5 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Ginger Baker just died. Care to look at his chart? Talented, but pugnacious and self destructive. Amazing he lived as long as he did.

  2. “Volker: Trump said Ukraine ‘tried to take me down’ and was influenced by negative information from Giuliani…”

    You really cannot make this stuff up. Now it’s become almost all-out dog-eat-dog. The falling out of the thieves. With each stressful outburst of tweets, Trump shows less restraint, like a man drowning and reaching for anything with which to remain afloat. Amusing news feeds.

  3. 22:50 on the 5th October 1969 saw the first broadcast of Monty Python’s Flying Circus, according the Guardian on line today. If you have time can you have a look at the chart? I’m guessing Uranus and Jupiter to be strong, 11 and 5th too. Thx Alex

  4. hello Marjorie….
    So maybe you are already checking this out… I am interested in Jessye Norman’s astrology chart… the African American opera singer with the astonishing Presence and Voice! I took a quick peek and, if the time is correct… wow! I don’t know much about Eris, but it is prominent in her chart. And, as always, I appreciate your take on Harmonics of a chart.

    If you get a chance, listen to her on Youtube.
    Immense talent.

    as always, thanks.
    You offer something very unique in the web presence on astrology.
    much appreciated.

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