8 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hello Marjorie, As this is a sensitive issue, I hope it’s ok to ask this. Are things going to get any better for Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliff, and also for her family?
    If you feel you are able to view this astrologically, thank you.

  2. The Benn-Burt Amendment stopping the proroguing of UK Parliament occurred at 13.39p.m., Marjorie.
    Hope this is of help.

  3. Hello Marjorie
    Given that we seem to have an accurate birth time for Trump I assume it must be astrologically possible to provide some fairly accurate predictions about his future. Is there any way you are able to drill down on things and give some indication when we might be shot of his demented narcissism and deeply unpleasant presidency? Thx if you do

  4. Hi Marjorie
    Today’s Guardian highlights the chronic state of Scotland’s drug crisis, with deaths three times the rest of the UK and powerful voices advocating a decriminalisation of drugs. Do you have any thin this please? I recall a chart for Scotland with sun mars MC in Aries squaring Neptune in Capricorn. I’m not sure if that’s regarded as a potent chart?

  5. Do you have any insights into the case of missing Vatican City teenager Emanuela Orlandi (born 14/1/1968, Vatican City State) (disappeared 22/6/1983)?

  6. Hi Marjorie

    Two rather concerning articles in the news this week

    Turkey buys anti NATO missiles

    And this is now on the front pages of German newspapers

    A former general says that the Russian plan is to start small wars against Europe.

    What do your think? Considering the political turmoil in the US and the UK. The Russian leaning governments in Hungary etc., and that China, which to some degree as an investor in world peace to maintain global trade lines is being increasing isolated, Russia is well poised for action on
    it’s war mongering.

  7. Good morning Marjorie,
    Alan Turing the new face on the new £50 note at 11.17a.m., by the Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney in Manchester.
    He was born 23 June 1912 in Paddington.
    Would you have any thoughts re this?

  8. “Trump administration freezing fuel efficiency penalties”

    Already the hand-shaking and deal making with influential constituents is happening.

    “The Trump administration said late on Friday it was issuing final rules to suspend a 2016 Obama administration regulation that more than doubled penalties for automakers failing to meet fuel efficiency requirements.”

    Of course, it’s all Obama’s fault. Nobody wants America to be penalized by far left politicians. 😉


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