18 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Buckeye, Can you calm down. If there are any posts which I consider over the line I’ll dump them. The right wing are entitled to their opinions though I won’t have unfounded conspiracy fantasies on this site.

    • You are promoting Q and his unfounded conspiracy fantasies since you allow active acolytes of his to entice people with mentions of him. Angela Merkel is Hitler’s daughter, Marina Abramovic a satanist, aren’t those March 10th Q statements conspiracy fantasies? Yet Deborah and Dorothy are on here talking about Q’s insider knowledge, and you are assured by email that Q is a White House insider. Good God.

      Why shouldn’t I be upset seeing Q endorsed over and over? He’s the worst of the worst. Yet somehow I’m to stay calm. Be personally attacked, stay calm. See Q mentioned as the real deal, stay calm. Know that this will bring him more followers, stay calm. All on an astrology site. Unbelievable.

  2. Trump is considering getting rid of the Veterans Affair secretary David Shulkin and replacing him with Energy secretary Rick Perry. Calls it “righting the ship”. This guy really likes firing people.

    • He also wants to surround Himself with YES men. Cannot wait for the Pennsylvania election votes to be counted up. What will his Highness have tos ay if the Dems win? Fake news? Dead people voted? More illegal immigrants voted?

  3. The breaking news is that Rex Tillerson is out as Secretary of State, replaced by Mike Pompeo. You mentioned Tillerson feeling martyred and confused by early March, so I guess this is it. As for Pompeo, you said not an easy relationship with Trump, and certainly not a restraining influence. Continuing madness in the White House (and Congress as the House Republicans have decided Trump isn’t guilty of collusion, which of course they decided before they even started the House investigation).

  4. Belle, I wonder that too. At the 2020 election, transit Saturn is opposite his Venus which rules his midheaven, making me think he’ll have trouble. However, skipping ahead to 2024, transit Uranus is conjunct his midheaven meaning a change in job and or residence. Be interested in what Marjorie thinks though it would be much easier to ascertain if we knew who will be the Dem nominee.

    • I take it you don’t care to distinguish yourself in the war of the Debs. I’ll save my poor brain some strain by considering every Deb as crazy Deb and skipping those comments. Which is my loss, in a way, if it’s smart Deb, but my gain if it’s the other. Rather have the gain, and not the pain.

        • You made me smile! Check out the latest from D to me in the Donald/Kim comments. Such concern about my health.

          Expressed my disappointment that our leader allowed it. But I guess it’s a compliment to be seen as the person who can dish it out and take it. Maybe…haven’t made up my mind yet what this indicates.

          Must check my chart for clues. I hope it’s not the dreadful Mars Pluto Hillary conjunction that one of the D’s went on about. Too many D’s, not enough time.

  5. Marjorie,

    First off, I’d like to thank you for your astrological insights; I really do appreciate you sharing them with all of us. Anyway, I do have a question. The national media has really been building up the special election that’s coming up this Tuesday (March 13, 2018) in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District. Apparently, this area has become a “moment of truth” for determining whether or not there will be a Democratic blue wave this year.

    I read that Donald Trump won Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District by 20 points in 2016…and Mitt Romney won it by 17 points in 2012. All in all, the analysts are saying that district has been going Republican since President Reagan. However, this year, that district has become extremely competitive. The Republicans are literally pouring millions of dollars into it – desperately trying to hang on it. Today, Donald Trump went to that district to campaign for the Republican candidate Rick Saccone (who this supposedly a carbon copy of Donald Trump [or at least just as repulsive]).

    Former Vice President Joe Biden has been campaigning for Democrat Conor Lamb (a conservative Democrat) in that district and all of the polls are showing a VERY CLOSE race. Some polls even have Democrat Conor Lamb ahead by a few points.

    I hadn’t really been paying much attention to this election until now (since I live in Florida and I’m more focused on my state). However, Pennsylvania’s special election is literally consuming the national media. So, curiosity got the best of me.

    Anyway, I was just wondering if you had any astrological insights regarding Democrat Conor Lamb or Pennylvania’s special election. Any astrological insights, interpretations, or thoughts you may have about any of this would be appreciated.

    Again, thank you so much for all you do,

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida

  6. China’s president Xi Jinping is allowed to remain in power for life. He was already claimed to be on Mao’s level, but now it’s official.

  7. Hi Majorie, could you please cover Keir Starmer and Angela Raynor, both are tipped as future Labour leaders so it would be interested to see if anyone indicates that on their charts. Thanks.

  8. Hi Marjorie,
    1 person I’m pretty sure you haven’t covered before in Russian-U.S. relations is Sergei Lavrov the Russian Foreign Minister,
    born in Moscow on March 21 1950.
    Any thoughts?
    Best wishes,

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