8 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hello Marjorie – guess you already know the news: Little Rocket Man offered to meet the Dotard. Kim knows which side his bread is buttered…and is playing into Trump’s game plan of drama. But will it all work out?

  2. Related to Gary Cohn…from Dec 13, 2016 posted by Marjorie…

    “…Cohn’s Jupiter is conjunct Trump’s Moon which will help; but his Mars is conjunct Trump’s 10th house Uranus and his Uranus is conjunct Trump’s Mars – so a definite clash of agendas and egos.

    Their relationship chart has an explosively volatile composite Sun Mars Uranus square Neptune Saturn, trine Jupiter; with Jupiter square Pluto Venus. So huge amount of game-playing and competitiveness in there. It’ll probably start nice with Venus Jupiter Pluto and deteriorate. Mind you almost from square one since tr Uranus will square the composite Mars in February with a discouraging tr Pluto square the composite Saturn at the same time, running on and off for two years. I suspect that one won’t last the full term.”

  3. Dear Marjorie,

    The European Parliament (EP) is due for elections in 2019. Due to the fact that the elections are held differently in each member-state, there is no single date for the elections. How would one cast a chart in such a scenario?

    If you are able to cast a chart for the EP 2019 elections, what do you see for its five year term? Will the current populist wave in the EU make its presence felt in the EP 2019? Can it force the EU to slim down a bit?

    Also, can you cast a chart for Martin Selmayr, the former chief of staff to Jean-Claude Juncker and now, after a midnight coup on 21st February, the Secretary-General of the European Commission. Famously nicknamed the Monster of the Beylarmont (the headquarters of the European Commission), he is supposed to have reduced even other EU Commissioners to tears by humiliating them publicly and is supposed to have leaked the details of the disastrous dinner between Juncker and Theresa May.

    This article in Liberation, a left wing French newspaper, (http://www.liberation.fr/planete/2018/03/04/martin-selmayr-braque-la-commission-europeenne_1633807) talks of how he was not eligible for the post, being too junior, but engineered two resignations in two days to be propelled to the top post within under two weeks. Worth a read in Google Translate. An heir to Machiavelli, it would seem.

    Wikipedia puts his birthdate at 5 December 1970. Can you look into how he would affect Brexit, the EU, Poland and Hungary (with whom the EU is not getting along too well at the moment) and how would he, an arch-federalist, be affected by the populist wave?

    • As an aside, Martin Selmayr’s official term of office as Secretary-General of the European Commission (the head of the EU Civil Service) started at midnight, Brussels time, 1st March 2019.

      And he apparently favours Michel Barnier (born 9 January 1951 according to Wikipedia) as the next Commission President. And if the heir to Machiavelli favours a candidate, there is a good chance the candidate will win.

  4. Good morning Marjorie and hope you are well!
    I believe and was reading that Jupiter will retrograde for a few months later this week.
    Will there be similar Jupiter in Scorpio themes since October occurring/reoccuring?
    Best regards and thanks if you write about this.

  5. Could we get a write up on Ethiopia describing how things will go there until the mid to late 2020s? I suppose you might have to look into the 1974 Communist coup chart and the 1991 EPRDF chart(when they displaced the former communist government) since the founding date of the Ethiopian Empire is under question.

    Over the past few years Ethiopia has witnessed the death of a long standing tyrant, huge street protests throughout the country, increased ethnic tensions, and now the resignation of the current Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalegn. Think this would be very interesting to see.

    • Also have to mention that over the past ten years as well they’ve been one of the world’s fastest growing economies and have invited the attention of global powers like the United States(who use them as an asset for counterterrorism in Somalia) as well as China, which is transforming the country into a critical part of the One Belt One Road vision.

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