7 thoughts on “Questions and Comments

  1. Hello, I would like to know if there is a search function for the astro news? I loved to search and read past analysis but it doesn’t seem possible anymore?

  2. Navigating thru the new website with more confidence and ease. Naturally, some teething pains to be expected… Keep up the good work!

  3. Any thoughts n the time ing of Uk referendum in Europe? At one point June seemed favourite but now the thinking is September, not good with the whole of summer to get through!

  4. Hello, the birthday forecast for each day is not working and there is no access to the horoscopes for all last years birthdays or this years.

    • The current birthday sign is Capricorn and daily birthday forecasts are displayed on that sign. I agree there was an issue with that earlier when we first launched the new site but this has been fixed. The ‘missed’ birthday’s are currently for 2016 only so will at the moment you can only review a birthday for the last 8 days. The feedback is to keep a rolling year of birthday’s which will include 2015 and 2016 and this will be in place soon.

      The other main issue has been the ability to look ahead to tomorrow’s horoscope. As this is a popular feature of the previous site – and was intended for people not in the UTC/GMT timezone, this will also return.

      We have improved the look of the site on mobile devices and the horoscopes are now loading much quicker using only UTC/GMT instead of first finding your local timezone and loading the date accordingly. Please continue to provide your feedback and we will endeavour to make the site more enjoyable and relevant to your interests moving forward.

      Happy New Year


  5. Hi Marjorie, I did put this question in your old website but you moved over to this site the next day so don’t know if you saw it. I know you don’t often look this far afield but could you look in to the chart of Bollywood actress, Vidya Balan, please? She has won a lot of awards for her strong acting and some have claimed her to have paved the way for many of the successful women-centric films emerging in Bollywood recently. Regardless of her acting skills, she’s constantly been scrutinized for not being like the endlessly toned and lithesome actresses that are currently wheeling about in B-Town and for the fact she often prefers to dress in traditional Indian clothing rather than modern attire. On Dec 30 she was taken off a flight due to serious pains and rushed in to hospital for suspected kidney stones. She appears to have suffered some health problems for the past 3 years, since she got married. She comes across as extremely grounded, bubbly, unaffected by fame and very articulate and is generally well-liked by everyone who meet her. I’d like to know if there is anything noteworthy on her career front and if her health issues will get sorted. Also, I’d be interested in your insights into her marriage to Siddharth Roy Kapur, which raised eyebrows (apparently) because Vidya is his 3rd wife. Her birth date is: 1 Jan 1979 (she confirmed in an interview the year of 1979, even though the internet often states 1978) in puthur, kasaragod district, India (not sure of birth time). Siddharth was born 2 August 1974, Mumbai, India (again, can’t find a time). Their wedding took place 12 Dec 2012, Mumbai, India. (not sure what time, but they were reported to have married in the morning). Thanks in advance. Jo 🙂

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