The Royal gilded cage has iron bars in highly conservative Japan where hefty restrictions on the freedom of the imperial ladies has caused serious depression for the Crown Princess, also castigated for not producing a male heir. Now Princess Mako, the daughter of Akishino, second-in-line to the throne, appears to have run foul of the mediaeval Chrysanethemum court. Her engagement to a commoner which would have given her a chance to shed her chains has been postponed till 2020, possibly indefinitely.
They make the Brit Royals look positive paragons of compassion and modernity, with lurid tales of the old Empress Kojun – a steely Pisces square Pluto; with a fearsomely chilly Air Grand Trine of Mars trine Pluto trine Mercury – ladelling into her son’s spouses about their failings, causing depression. Which baton was picked up by the present Empress Michiko – a Sun Libra trine Saturn square Pluto – mother of the Crown Prince and his brother.
Poor Princess Mako, 23 October 1991 11.41pm Tokyo, had a tough childhood with a 4th house of Mars in Scorpio, conjunct Sun and opposition a Taurus Moon MC, with Mercury Pluto also in her 4th. Her Sun Mars squares onto a 6th house dutiful Saturn in Aquarius – with her Saturn opposition her Sun/Moon midpoint – all of which suggest family interference and control and a delayed marriage, with heavy costs attached.
Her father, Akishino, 30 November 1965 12.15 am Tokyo, is a highly-strung and dominating Sun Sagittarius; with Uranus Pluto on his Ascendant opposition Saturn square Mercury in Sagittarius; and Mars in Capricorn in the 4th trine Pluto Uranus, sextile Saturn.
Mako looks anything but happy over the next two years with several debilitating and discouraging Neptune and Pluto transits to midpoints; and tr Uranus in a separating square to her Sun/Moon midpoint this year and conjunct her Moon as well, both running into 2019. There does look to be a considerable upheaval for both at home and in terms of her direction in 2019 with tr Uranus opposition her 4th house Mars and conjunct her midheaven. With luck she may well rebel and jump ship anyway.