Princess Anne heads for 70 next month with her popularity higher than ever and her street cred as a steady pair of hands undented. With a few well-laced barbs recently she’s put the younger ‘woke’ Royals who thought they were the face of the brave new world back in their box, since she’d done it all decades before. A relentless workaholic she has a tricky temperament but has evidently never stood on ceremony on her global trips into dangerous and out-of-the-way camps for Save the Children.
Although reputedly her father’s favourite, she takes her cue from her mother who is the driving force in her life.
Born 15 August 1950 11.50 am London, she has a controlling and influential 10th house Sun Pluto in Leo so is designed for a public, career-oriented life. Her understated and hard-working Virgo Moon is made even more dutiful by a conjunction with Saturn and Mercury.
She has a ‘healing’ and private Water Grand Trine of a super-determined and snippy Mars in Scorpio in her 1st trine Jupiter in the 5th trine Uranus in Cancer. The 5th house rules children and she once said she wasn’t sentimental or too hands on with her own children growing up but she was wholeheartedly behind her charity work ensuring children in general got a fairer deal.
Her relationship with brother Charles was never too close with her Mars opposition his 10th house Taurus Moon and her Saturn Mercury Moon square his Mars – so it would get noisy in the nursery.
Her relationship chart with her father does have a possessive composite Sun Pluto conjunction. But it’s the relationship chart with her mother the Queen which is the eye-opener. There is a composite Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Saturn trine Sun Mercury, formed into two Kites by Sun Mercury opposition Mars and Jupiter opposition Moon square Venus. A wonderful synergy bringing together two talents to make a difference.
Anne is in a pressured phase with the Saturn Pluto and Jupiter conjunction moving through her 3rd house. That should ease marginally from the New Year on. Tr Neptune will continue to oppose her Saturn Mercury till January 2021 for concerns and it does look bumpy for several years ahead with her Solar Arc Sun Pluto due to cross her Mars from 2022 to mid decade. With a directionless Solar Arc MC conjunct her Neptune in four years’ time. Her parents are both in their nineties and sadly can’t live for ever so that may be part of the jolts and jangles.
Her harmonic charts especially 17H and 22H mark her out as special.
Add On: She’s been married twice. First time to equestrian Mark Phillips, 22 September 1948, a late Virgo with a Taurus Moon and a charming Venus Pluto in Leo. There would be a sizzle of romance at the start with his Venus conjunct her Pluto and his Jupiter trine her Sun Pluto, and his Moon in her 7th. But there was an affection-dampening composite Sun Saturn in their relationship chart (= too much work and duty) and an uncompromising Mars trine Uranus tied into Saturn which would produce too many rough edges.
Her second marriage to naval officer Tim Laurence is reportedly not close though they do go sailing and attend Royal functions together in a friendly enough fashion. Born 1 March 1955, he’s a Sun Pisces with an adventurous Uranus Jupiter in Cancer opposition a socially ambitious Venus in Capricorn square Neptune. His Sun falls in her sociable and sporty 5th house and his Uranus Jupiter is conjunct her Venus in late Cancer – so it would seem like fun when they met. Though there’s precious little on the relationship chart (without his birth time) to tie them together.
Like many aristo marriages, keeping up appearances in public will be the key factor.
Both her husbands have done well in their individual careers under their own steam and capabilities.
One of her talents has been to avoid intrusive media coverage of her private life, which from odd murmurs, has been fairly lively.
That would be absolutely lovely if Marjorie gave us insight into those role -modelling charts like possibly Princess Anne who ,to my mind,should inherit the throne ,was it a choice of a suitable and well-balanced personality not a patriarchal system(changed now though.)
I do understand no-one is perfect ,however ,seeing such underdeveloped personalities at prominent positions while quite a few of us would fill in their shoes far better raises my hair and wastes public attention.
To add to the fans comments – I think she’s great. Hardworking and committed. She’s grown into the role over the years. Someone who has integrity, depth and is able to leave her ego well out of the picture. I like her.
Dear Marjorie
Firstly, may I thank you for your excellent horoscopes and column which I have been following for years and enjoy very much. I am Capricorn, and so your astrology and advice is most welcome, especially at the moment.
I am one of your readers who hardly ever leaves a comment, and thought I would like to do so today as I agree there are not many here for Princess Anne. I actually am very fond of her, and think she is such a credit to us and our beloved Queen whose duty knows no bounds even in her nineties. I am rather touched that they have such a close bond, I am sure she is a rock for both her parents and indeed the rest of the family.
I admire her sensitivity, which is slightly hidden under the duty but you can feel it especially when you see her children Peter and Zara with their cousins. I believe they are a great support to William and earlier to Harry, after the loss of their mother and being in the direct line of succession. I would guess that being brought up by Anne in her candid but very nice way has much to to with this.
I’m glad she is so respected and well liked.
I hope the sun is shining where you are,
Best wishes, Sally
“I admire her sensitivity, which is slightly hidden under the duty but you can feel it especially when you see her children Peter and Zara with their cousins.”
I have mentioned elsewhere how Anne has spared her children from unnecessarily stress steering them towards having (relatively) normal lives, instead of keeping them “in court” at all cost. I think this is due her deeper understanding of her own role than her younger brothers have. She works, so she probably understand that while keeping a large crowd of “Senior” Royals may have been needed only 50-60 years ago, when Royal Cousins would carry out duties in more distant parts of Commonwealth. But it isn’t necessarily outside immediate line of succession nowadays due to speed of information and travel.
It’s been reported for years that she and her 2nd husband have a very unhappy marriage. Maybe all those bad transits are related to this long-term situation in her life.
Given the fairly decent audience, I’m surprised that this post has got no comments. So let me leave one. A wonderful example of how royalty should be – understated , feisty , invisible , consistent, integrity etc. And I’m not a royalist. Disappointing lack of commentary given the predominance of irrelevant Instagram types in our so called culture and yes/yet they draw comment. I’m not astrologically savvy, but Marjorie’s comments about the interplay with her mother are both striking and resonant.
Thank you Susan. She’s not flashy or sensationalist – or at least what’s on public display. But that relationship chart with her mother the Queen is something else. Just extraordinary.