Princes Andrew and Charles – brothers at odds



Palace gossip has it that Prince Andrew is in a strop because Prince Charles’ slim-down-the-monarchy plans are denying his daughters Princess Beatrice and Eugenie a formal role with royal duties and presumably the civil list payments to go with it. Beatrice especially has found it difficult to settle to a sensible job, in between multiple holidays per year, innumerable fashion shows, celebrity charity appearances and the like.

Relations between the two brothers have never been easy with Charles’s 2nd house Saturn conjunct Andrew’s Pluto and opposition Andrew’s Saturn; and Charles’s emphasised Pluto conjunct Andrew’s 1st house Uranus. So Charles will have stonewalled him every which way, despite a reasonable cross over between Andrew’s Scorpio Moon and Charles‘s Scorpio Sun.

Their relationship chart is cold and angry with a composite 8th house Moon square a 4th house Saturn; and an argumentative, competitive composite Sun Mars Mercury conjunction.

There’ll be an eruption or a turnaround of sorts between them from April of 2017 onwards with tr Uranus square the composite Uranus and trine the composite Pluto – at the same time as Andrew has tr Uranus conjunct his midheaven. That last usually presages a sharp change of direction career-wise. But it’s difficult to see in which direction he’d move. His Trade Envoy job disappeared in 2011 after criticism of his associations,  although he still does some support for UK enterprise work without a special role.

Their relationship becomes a good deal more frosty come 2018/19 as tr Saturn is conjunct the composite Mars Sun Mercury, perhaps when Prince Charles steps closer to the throne.

13 thoughts on “Princes Andrew and Charles – brothers at odds

  1. Well said, Marjorie. You expressed it so much better.

    Given that Beatrice does so little she needs to be ‘charming’! BTW that is a common trait amongst freeloaders – that they are utterly charming. And Marjorie is right that is a trait learnt from her parents who are freeloaders par excellence. And as to a degree in History of Ideas I wonder at Goldsmith offering such a nonsense degree. They might as well offer a degree in media studies. It would be just as credible. Actually I wonder at Goldsmith for offering her a place and awarding her a 2:1. Beatrice is gormless – once she left her car with the doors wide open and wondered why it was stolen! She has had quite a few jobs since she graduated and all of her previous employers have let her go. That speaks to how valuable she is perceived as an employee. But then what serious businessman or company would employ someone who has sixteen holidays a year. Once the novelty of employing a member of the Royal Family has worn off they are out! And now she is setting up a ‘business consultancy’ – that, my friend, is PR speak for being unemployable. If she were not a royal and with an inflated sense of her own worth she would have become an estate agent as traditionally that is the job that the thicker members of the upper classes are shoved into.

    • How does anybody know she has 16 holidays per year! We only hear that in the press and also hasn’t anybody thought that it is the weight of negative press comment rather than her ability which is causing companies to finish her internships?? Don’t be so negative and talk about entitlement when you haven’t met the individuals concerned! Think how would you feel if it was your daughters being continuously baited and berated in the press and think what it must do to their confidence and ability to perform in a work environment?

      • Are you and AlexB related by any chance? Working for the same PR company, perhaps? You will find that the press is very good at keeping count of the holidays that Beatrice and to a lesser extent Eugene take. Poor diddums, needing to take numerous holidays because of ‘the weight of negative press comment’ such a pathetic an excuse I can hardly contain my laughter.
        Both Prince William and Prince Harry have jobs, and have to contend with negative press at times but they take on board the criticism and adapt. Neither do they take countless holidays each year or attend innumerable parties. Beatrice is a waste of space. And given that the British taxpayer funds the Royal Family they should not have a public role in it. They have not earned the right. If they need money they ought to go out and earn it like every taxpayer in this country. Or they can sign on at the Job Centre. Neither should they be allotted a four bedroom grace and favour flat. Absolutely outrageous the sense of entitlement. Beatrice and Eugenie do not have the right to expect the taxpayer to fund their freeloading, holidaying, partying mindless lifestyle.
        I would hope that any daughter of mine would not expect to be funded by the public for the rest of her life. Or to blame the press for needing numerous holidays or their inability to hold down a job.
        If you wish to change the public’s view of the York girls you need to put forth better arguments.

    • How does anybody know she has 16 holidays per year! We only hear that in the press and also hasn’t anybody thought that it is the weight of negative press comment rather than her ability which is causing companies to finish her internships?? Don’t be so negative and talk about entitlement when you haven’t met the individuals concerned! Think how would you feel if it was your daughters being continuously baited and berated in the press and think what it must do to their confidence and ability to perform in a work environment? Setting up her own business consultant is the only option left to her all this coverage knocking her will not help her credibility!

      • She has no credibility, It was eroded due to her constant holidaying, and partying. If you are going to post a rebuttal perhaps you should not copy and paste CharlotteC’s comment. I suspect you both work, and i use that word loosely, for the same PR company.

  2. I met Princess Beatrice in a restaurant several years ago – she was charming really lovely and certainly not ‘gormless’. It must be pretty difficult for royals to work in a normal world – if they use their connections they get severely berated and that is what a lot of employers would ‘buy’. The press also has a habit of manipulating things to suit their requirements we don’t know when photos were taken and who knows a number might have been released at one time. Also remember it suits the Prince of Wales and modernisers if the York girls are portrayed as party lovers as it removes any credibility they might have? Just a thought …

    • I’m sure she is charming but the problem is she’s been brought up in that aristo/billionaire set where ‘girls’ think that art gallery and charity jobs are the acceptable way of filling in time between three days weekends, endless holidays and social diaries crammed with publicity-gig fashion and charity splashes.
      She could have got a six day a week, 12 hour day charity hands-on job if she’d wanted. Or trained for a sensible career. She did get a degree of sorts in History of Ideas, whatever that is, and studied drama and film studies. But they want all the perks that the Lady Grantham/Tamara Ecclestons of this world have. A forty hour working week with regulation holidays would be considered below them. They’re living in a time warp and for once most people agree with Prince Charles.
      Mind you hardly surprising given the two parents she has. Not good as role models. Princess Anne’s decision to remove her kids from the titled route seems ever wiser in contrast.

      • I met both of them in a restaurant about 7 years ago, maybe we all have? 🙂 They were perfectly nice, it’s true you almost expect them to be just like a couple of pantomime dames the way the media goes on. However, I’m with Charles on this and to be honest I remember this being talked about years ago when they were given their HRH titles, so it’s not like it’s out of the blue. Andrew and Fergie should have been preparing them for the road ahead, that’s what a parent’s job is. Compare them to Peter Phillips, I can’t even visualise what he looks like, that’s low profile.

  3. @larryc that is according to their father’s website. Apparently, she is also starting a ‘business consultancy’ – that would be upper class nonsense for not being able to hold down a proper job because it interferes with one’s 16 holidays, and still counting, per year. The Yorks have turned me into a republican!

  4. The two York girls are freeloading, over privileged, entitled beings. Beatrice is one of the most gormless woman ever. They should earn their own living as do the rest of the population, They were given a four bedroom flat rent free in central London but apparently that is not enough. Their father wants the state to pay for their upkeep as well. If he want more money for his daughters they should sign on at the Jobcentre like everyone else.

  5. I am wondering about Charles as a monarch. If you read the Daily Mail the Queen does not agree, these are her grandchildren. He is going to have to remove all minor royals from these duties in fairness.

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