Prince Andrew – nul points for strategy


“I am perhaps too honourable at times,” quoth Prince Andrew on his friendship with paedophile Jeffrey Epstein in a BBC interview. Hallelujah. If that was supposed to be a mea culpa apology it scores 0/10. Using the media to draw a line under an undesirable story usually backfires and there’s nothing in the immediate future suggesting Prince Andrew will stride out clothed in shining white with his halo back in place.

All his closest relationships – with his two daughters, Eugenie and Beatrice, former but still present wife Sarah, sister Anne and brother Edward, nephew William – are sagging badly over the next few weeks courtesy of tr Neptune in hard aspect to their composite Suns, Jupiters, Venus or Moon .

Prince Charles who never was a fan of his younger brother will be on a roller coaster path with him next year with tr Pluto opposition their composite Uranus and tr Saturn opposition Uranus and square Neptune. Whatever happens will alter the nature of their relationship radically.

The Queen, for whom Andrew is deemed the favourite, will be in a double bind but even she is less than enchanted from February onwards as their mutual admiration society is undermined first by tr Saturn conjunct the composite Jupiter and then tr Neptune square the composite Saturn from late March on and off for a year after. With worse just before mid year as tr Uranus starts to square the composite Mars opposition Pluto and for a year thereafter. That may, of course, involve other family events since both she and Prince Philip are in their nineties.

But Andrew’s protection goes once she loosens her grip on the reins.

He has a couple of devastatingly negative Pluto hard aspects to his Mars/Saturn and Venus/Saturn midpoints running now till mid December – they’ll bring disasters, accidents, setbacks and plummeting popularity. He’ll have a minor blip upwards from late January for a few weeks. But then tr Saturn will conjunct his 6th house Mars, Venus from late February onwards, off and on for a year, which could bring health-related issues as well as work problems. Already events are being cancelled because of public antipathy towards him.

Late March onwards tr Pluto will square his midheaven, on and off till late 2021 – this usually brings a forced change in career or life direction. There will be resistance to the way he uses power or influence and it can be a humbling experience. There are also several Neptune transits to undermine his plans and create confusion, as well as perhaps bring secrets out into the open which is a Neptunian habit throughout 2020/21.

He doesn’t appear, from all past accounts from diplomats etc who had to suffer him on trade missions abroad, to have much insight into his behaviour. He seemed both to lack intelligence and humility which isn’t a great combination – stupidity and arrogance.

18 thoughts on “Prince Andrew – nul points for strategy

  1. Of the Newsnight interview Charlie Proctor, editor of the Royal Central website, said: “I expected a train wreck. That was a plane crashing into an oil tanker, causing a tsunami, triggering a nuclear explosion level bad.”

  2. Oooh, One wonders if he has been astrologically counselled! His progressed ascendant sextiles natal Moon, then Venus, then Mars….the progressed Sun going into Taurus sextiles his natal Sun. However, his natal chart reveals the problem – no air! (no heir?) only Jupiter in a fire sign (giving his bombastic confidence) ..but he is purely earth and water. I think the critical point is his sentence that he çannot recall’having met the brave girl who stood up and told the truth. It is a q.e.d. of lying – look at his body language and how he’s practiced not blinking. I feel deeply for the Queen, why should she have such sorrows at her age about this dreadful burden he has dumped on her?

  3. I wonder if he was advised against doing the interview and was told to keep his fat mouth shut, but he knew better because he is a pompous arse who never listens. The “too honourable” excuse is remarkably arrogant and is going to go down like a lead Balloon with the British public.

    As far as I can tell Maitlis doesn’t ask about Fergie owing Epstein money or Andrew’s relationship with Maxwell.

    • I suspect a lot of royal officials would like to see Prince Andrew shipped off to a monastery in a remote location, preferably one where the inmates are bound by a vow of silence.

  4. “stupidity and arrogance” You have it in a nutshell. I am ,on the one hand, astounded at how stupid he thinks the public are in expecting them to accept his apparent loss of memory , on the other hand I am not surprised at the level of arrogance he has displayed, only coming to regret it now.

    There is a circle of the elite, who think that standards of common decency and the rule of law don’t apply to them. My hope is that the current Astro storms wipe them clean and that when they are swept away,the innocent aren’t swept away with them. A ,perhaps, naive and vain hope.

  5. Maybe we should call a spade a spade? If his buddy is a paedophile, what does that imply? Be assured this guy will never be allowed to face justice, simply because of who he is. Is there any astrology which shows him in a court of law facing serious prison time? Hard 12th and 9th aspects?

  6. Thanks Marjorie. The timing of this interview is curious. Made me wonder whether its some sort of pre-emptive strike before more information leaks out from somewhere or other. Someone must have advised Andrew to do it, surely? Mercury is retrograde in secretive Scorpio, is that favourable for talking about sex and scandals or will the whole thing backfire? From what you’ve written here, it seems that there’s more to come. And only a deeply “stupid and arrogant” widely recognisable person would imagine it could ever be ok, on any level whatsoever, to stay at the home of a convicted paedophile. Staggering.

    • “Thanks Marjorie. The timing of this interview is curious. Made me wonder whether its some sort of pre-emptive strike before more information leaks out from somewhere or other.”

      Ghilaine Maxwell? According to some witness statements, she didn’t only procure Epstein with victims, but was actively participating in abuse with him (it’s also heavily implied she did this to her father). She is currently AWOL, but there could be news on this shortly.

        • I think it’s both. Nature and nurture. People born in priviledge like this are seldom held accountable growning up. This mostly leads to disastrous results. I think Capricorn is the best example of this. Capricornian people learning accountability early on will grow up to be some of the principled and even inspiring people around. Capricornian people born in priviledge some of the most insufferable twats around. Think of Michelle Obama – working class Chicago girl everybody listens to, because they feel she comes from a “real” place. And then Donald Trump Jr – someone with an obvious blind spot to their own priviledge.

          I think that Price Andrew’s Mars/Venus in Capricorn is telling, as well as Scorpio Moon. This isn’t uncommon with Windsors. They just have not been told it’s not ok to abuse and manipulate people sexually, and apparently, they still think it’s ok to behave as segneurs taking the first night right.

        • I think his lack of Air means he finds it difficult to stand back and see himself clearly. A Sun opposition Pluto will also find it tricky to admit any wrongs since it fears humiliation more than most. Most significantly he has an attention-demanding, self-involved and humility-deficit Fire Grand Trine – of Jupiter in his grandstanding 5th trine Uranus trine Midheaven. Grand Trines without any oppositions to drive them get very stuck in their rut.
          I also like what Solaia said about Capricorn – makes a lot of sense.

          • Years ago I was working with a Seattle-based astrologer. She used to promote her skills because of “all the grand trines in her chart”. Rather self-important, and this attracted Seattle clients. Tho often, at least for me, her analyses were quite off the mark, so I stopped working with her. I recall similar observations with grand trines: they make life too easy and the individual becomes indifferent and lazy.

            She’d become quite irritated with me when I “brought to light” the inconsistencies. an Aries, scorp moon, libra rising.

      • Yes Solaia – I agree. Ghislaine Maxwell is probably a crucial key in all this. And she’s a Capricorn as well! There’s also a French model agent – not sure of his name – who the police in Paris want to question in relation to Epstein and crimes committed in France.

        The financial side of this story will, I suspect, be quite illuminating and may partly explain the so-called friendship between Andrew and Epstein. The web must be very tangled. Why else would Andrew fly to the States to tell his “friend” they could no longer be in touch? And stay in his home???? The Royals are known for cutting people off with no explanation whatsoever, so this one sure and certain fact is very difficult to comprehend.

        • TV presenter Carol Vorderman tweeted: ‘#PrinceAndrew So I didn’t speak to him for 4 years because it wasn’t appropriate, but when he was released from prison for sex offences I didn’t ring, I flew to America to tell him in person that I STILL wasn’t going to talk to him…RUN THAT BY ME AGAIN.’

          • Googled Carol Vorderman, and I guess she does recognize a logical fallacy when she sees one.

            Also, Julie E. Brown, whose reporting for “Miami Herald” reopened the case only had to use one emoji to convey her sentiment on Prince Andrew telling he doesn’t dance when there are literally dozens of pics from some nightclub in St. Tropez (probably truly hip in the 1960’s, now incredibly ostentious with all those megayachts) of him sweating over women.

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