The jungle drums are beating at Prince Andrew’s Royal Lodge gates with hints that King Charles’ patience is wearing thin about him remaining in the 30 room mansion. At present he holds it under a lease which stipulates renovations and maintenance which he cannot afford without his brother’s largesse. Charles funds his £3 million a year security bill and an additional living allowance, thought to be well in excess of £1 million a year. If he moved to Frogmore Cottage, recently vacated by the Sussexes, within Windsor Castle ground, it would get rid of the need for separate round-the-clock security.
If Charles were to withdraw his allowance, Andrew would have to fund his own security, housekeepers, gardeners and home improvements.
Recently there has been no indication that Andrew would budge, except in the astrology. Born 19 February 1960 3.38pm London, his 4th house Scorpio Moon (ever a clinger-on) is due for tr Uranus opposition from the 17th of this month into early July, and repeating November and April 2025 which certainly suggests a domestic upheaval. That goes alongside his SA Pluto conjunct his 4th house Neptune, exact in three months, which will make it feel like a devastating loss. Plus tr Neptune is square his Solar Arc Midheaven and Jupiter this year for a disappointment and dashed-hopes; with his Progressed Mars moving to conjunct his financial 8th house Mercury within months as well. Into 2025 tr Uranus squares his Pisces Sun.
He may well bluster his entitled and staggeringly unself-aware way through for a few months more with the over-confident tr Pluto conjunct his Sun/Jupiter midpoint this September, October to late November or extort concessions before budging.
His relationship chart with Charles has a disruptive tr Uranus square the composite Pluto from after mid this month onwards as well as an undermining tr Neptune square the Jupiter all year, dissolving good feels between them.
Princess Anne looks rattled with him as tr Uranus is conjunct their composite Sun and square Pluto from early July onwards, on and off into 2025.
Prince William, never a great fan of his sleazy uncle, has been exerting pressure with tr Pluto square their composite Sun throughout 2023 and all of this year; with an undermining tr Neptune square Venus and opposition Pluto – with nothing improving after Uranus moves into Gemini.
Even Prince Edward is sensing a change and not for the better.
See previous posts: 7 January 2024 and 2 March 2023 under Prince Andrew in search
He may as well move now. William isn’t going to do it kindly when it’s his turn to make decisions…
Hi Marjorie, when SA planets conjunct natal planets, within what degree range are they influential?
I’m not far off Price Andrew’s age. When SA Pluto exactly conjuncted my Natal Neptune in the 4th house, our roof was ripped off during a storm, not able to get it repaired in time, the place got so badly flooded, the floors, walls had to be taken off/up, and we had to move out for 6 months while it dried out and then got repaired. It was immensely traumatising/destabilising but also ultimately helpful in some ways. SA Pluto is still 3 degrees conjunct my 4th house Neptune. Other aspects of my home life are worrying me, and need transformed, but I really want Pluto to be over and done with.
I should add, when SA Pluto was between 4 and 5 degrees conjunct my 4th house Neptune, we had to move house because of a very strange, traumatic series of events when transit Pluto in Capricorn was opposing my Natal 12th house Cancer moon. I put it down to the transit opposition, but wonder about the SA degree.
Downsizing is inevitable for most of us. If Andrew had any sense, he would embrace it and make it look like it was his idea.
The late Queen was in the position through her years on the throne, and the vast amount of knowledge imparted to her through all her previous prime ministers and other advisory bodies of being a person most useful to any prime minister, as she knew absolutely everyone and absolutely everything about that person and the real reasons why things were done and why they weren’t. She was far more important than a tourist attraction.
Having seen photos of the Royal Lodge with its mould covered windows, peeling paint, skip in the front drive and unsavoury occupant, you can only think to yourself, ‘there goes the neighbourhood.’ I can’t blame KC.
I hope Starmer abolishes the House of Lords and replaces it with an elected upper house like Gordon Brown suggested. Next up for a future Labour government in the 2030s will be the monarchy. They will be gone by 2036, twelve years and counting.
And what is the alternative some publicity seeking president who focuses on self service rather than duty perhaps? I doubt whether millions of tourists would be keen to travel here without the Royal Family!
I agree Charlotte. Look at the US and be grateful to have a monarchy.
Me too. I love the separation of Governent & State in the UK. The King can does all the glitz, ceremony & shaking paws. While the Government runs the country. I don’t like how here in the US the president is a King in all but name.
Stephen Fry said of the monarchy how all the happiest nations in the world have consitutional monarchies, and how great it would be if the US president had to go bow to some form of ‘uncle sam’ as the embodiment of the US each week and explain himself and his actions. And then ‘uncle sam’ would challenge him on if thats the right thing for my country, and keeps them in check. Which is what happens in the UK.
This reminds me when Boris Johnson wanted to be president of UK once. Now imagine that.
As an American having lived in England for seven years, I always felt the royal family provided a unifying element, love them or hate them.
What does the US have?
The flag? It lacks a unifying factor. Rallying around an often-unpopular, despised but hopefully still-temporary president? (God forbid we see a return to power of the constantly-whining felon Trump, who would never release power if he ever regains it!)
But yes, Charles is right: the contemptible parasite Andrew needs to be banished from royal prominence and downgraded further to disappear from the public eye.
@Nicole I agree, there is a need to separate the State and the government, some countries do have this, they have a President who is the formal Head of state and a Prime Minister, chosen by the electorate, who leads the government, I can think of Austria, Switzerland etc., the difference is that these Presidents do not form a dynasty like Kings, their posts are not hereditary.
Yes the Republic of Ireland has the same system and this does seems to work well. I have always been a republican, but with the pandemic and the chaos caused by Brexit, I have to admit that the royal family has given stability and a sense of identity to a beleaguered country that an elected president could not provide. However, I do think the honours system and the House of Lords need reform.
@Andre, If that is Labour ‘s plan they won’t win. Not to mention it would need a democrat vote to abolish the monarchy?
If those people don’t have the RF to hate who they gonna hate? More people want them or don’t care either way that add to more than those who hate.
That add up to *
Parliament has full power to abolish the monarchy and it has happened before. But it won’t do it because it loves the gongs and honours too much. Brits adore ‘ us and them’…’not getting above one’s station’ is as british as fish and chips.
Why the contempt?
Us and them? – India caste system? I watched a documentary last night about Los Angeles – unimaginable wealth side by side with appalling poverty amongst 45,000 homeless.
It also misunderstands the British view of the monarchy. The Queen held the country together in a steady way for more than half a century. Her father and totally dreadful mother did sterling work during World War 11. The Royals have not been helped by the social media era but they represent something I can’t quite articulate it but is little to do with them being better than ‘us.’
More they bear the weight of an office that is essential to the country’s stability.
not contempt at all, just neutrally observing and not from the outside either! It is a highly stratified society based on inherited wealth ( mostly land no cash now) and privilege enforced through a myriad rites of education, social barriers, intricate networks ( all crumbling now). The Queen was the last of her kind as is Princess Anne.I wouldn’t put any of the others on a par.
I have always appreciated the Monarchy, and the Queen. I like William and Kate, and appreciate King Charles. Heirarchy exists in the USA as well. There was a class war in my own family.
I am sure that at some point in the very far distant future (not in our lifetime) the monarchy will most probably come to an end. However, I can forecast with certainty and without the need for astrology, that the royal family will still be here in 2036 and beyond, and I for one, will be grateful.
The only thing that Starmer has a chance of abolishing is himself. The Labour Party has The House of Lords well padded with Labour Peers. And if they need more peers there are plenty more that can be ennobled. Getting rid of the goose that lays the golden egg is not an option.