Poland – repressive government



The new right-wing Catholic government in Poland is facing not only demonstrations at home but also an unprecedented EU inquiry into whether new Polish laws break EU democracy rules and are a threat to fundamental EU values. President Andrzej Duda approved controversial laws enabling the government to appoint the heads of public TV and radio, and choose judges for Poland’s constitutional court.

There are several charts for Poland – 5 Nov 1916; 11 Nov 1918; and 24 August 1989 1.05pm Warsaw. All of them are sagging under Neptune transits through 2016 suggesting a discontented population. The 1989 one looks directionless this year with tr Neptune opposition the MC, moving into the 4th; and tr Neptune square the Moon.

President Andrzej Duda, who belongs to the ruling party, was born 16 May 1972; and sworn in on 6 Aug 2015 around 10.05 am. He’s a tough Sun Taurus in a controlling trine to Pluto trine North Node in Capricorn. With the Sun and Saturn in Gemini opposition Neptune – so quite idealistic/fanatical. He’s certainly confident/over confident at the moment with his Solar Arc Sun opposing his Jupiter.

His Term chart has a harsh Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio; with a 4th house Pluto square a 7th house Uranus – so empathy and sentiment not strong; with a mutinous domestic electorate and splits with neighbouring countries or partners. A divisive administration.

The Prime Minister Beata Szydio, 15 April 1963, has a fairly disjointed chart (without a birth time). Her Aries Sun is sextile Saturn; her Jupiter in Aries is trine Mars in Leo; her Venus in Pisces trines Neptune. But none of it really hangs together. She’ll have a very bumpy ride from mid 2016 with tr Uranus conjunct her Sun into 2017.  And looks to be taking gambles and reckless decisions in 2017 with Solar Arc Mars opposition Jupiter.

Her swearing in chart, 16 Nov 2015, is confident enough with Sun Mercury sextile Jupiter and Jupiter trine Pluto Moon. And controlling with Venus opposition Uranus square Pluto. Her enthusiasm will take a dip when tr Saturn squares the Jupiter through this year. But that apart there are no major disruptions showing (without a start time).

You’d think Poland had survived under enough dictatorships not to want a heavy-handed government.

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