Philip Green – money and ego at risk

Philip Green,  wealthy businessman and darling of Tony Blair and David Cameron, is facing calls that he lose his knighthood and be made to repay the £400 million he took out of retailer British Home Stores in dividends in the years before he sold it for £1. It has now collapsed with a £571 million pension fund deficit. What were the pension regulators doing? That money is kept in a separate fund.

Green, 15 March 1952, is a Sun Pisces (same as Rupert Murdoch). In his case it is on the focal point of a Yod to a Pluto sextile Neptune in Libra – so an ego that veers around erratically. He’s also got an innovative focal point Uranus in Cardinal Cancer square Mercury in Aries opposition Saturn – so a tendency to push against boundaries and can be both a reformer as well as a catalyst for chaos. His Mars (Moon) in Scorpio is in an ultra-determined square to Pluto and trine Uranus – not scared to take risks.

His 9th Harmonic, often strong when money is involved, does indeed have a eye-popping and formidably determined as well as lucky Jupiter Pluto Uranus conjunction trine Saturn; with an accented Neptune as well.

At the moment he’s got a frustrating and irritable tr Pluto sextile his Mars and tr Uranus opposition his Neptune exact at the moment, shaking his Yod. Solar Arc Mars is in a panicky square to his Neptune this year; with a swampy, dissolving Solar Arc Neptune square his Sun in 2017, also triggering his Yod. So a time of significant challenge for him.

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