Peter Murrell, husband of former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has been charged in connection with the embezzlement of funds from the Scottish National Party. He was previously arrested as a suspect on 5 April 2023 before being released without charge. This time round he was questioned for nine hours, charged and then released.
Police Scotland has pointed out that “The matter is active for the purposes of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 and the public are therefore advised to exercise caution if discussing it on social media.”
Scotland is a good deal fussier about contempt of court – prejudicing the outcome of any possible future trial – so anything that follows will be about the astrology and not a comment about guilt or innocence.
Murrell, born 8 December 1964, Edinburgh, had been CEO of the Scottish National Party since 2001 and praised by his wife as a sure winner. He has a Sagittarius Sun closely square Pluto, Uranus, Mars in Virgo so has a high-wire and volatile temperament despite his bank-manager appearance. He also has a Boris Johnson-type Jupiter in Taurus opposition Neptune (and conjunct Venus) in Scorpio – able to turn on the charm, over-hopeful, with according to Ebertin a tendency to get into scrapes and scandals because of poor judgement. An unaspected Saturn hints at lack of organization, self-discipline and caution.
He is an odd mix with Cancerian Sturgeon, 19 July 1970 3.16 pm Irvine, Scotland, though both share an Aquarius Moon – and his overdose of confidence would have lifted some of her gloomier, prone-to-worry traits. His Jupiter opposition Venus Neptune sits across her Saturn opposition Neptune. But she does have a natal 7th house Saturn and his Saturn falls in her 4th – so it was always going to be a relationship involving work to a large extent.
On his chart tr Saturn is opposing his Mars, Uranus, Pluto in Virgo and squaring his Sagittarius Sun now and through this month, repeating in September and January 2025 for setbacks, discouragement and a sharp reality check. His Uranus, Pluto Mars square Sun is also moving by Solar Arc to collide with his natal Jupiter opposition Venus Neptune for a destiny-changing three years ahead.
Nicola Sturgeon always looked to be completely trapped and scared through 2023 on and off till late 2024 with tr Pluto opposition her Mars at zero degrees Leo. Plus tr Pluto square her Sun/Moon midpoint throughout 2024/25 putting considerable strain on her marriage. Her travails won’t ease up for a few years since tr Pluto will move on to square her Moon/Mars midpoint and then conjunct her Moon till the end of 2028 – a long haul of emotional upset. Tr Uranus will also add worries on top as it squares her Saturn/Neptune midpoint and then opposes her Neptune in 2025.
Her relationship chart with him which has an affectionate composite Sun Venus opposition a too-much-work Saturn – also has a publicity-attracting Mars square Neptune, useful in their heyday but less so in these circumstances. It is getting a fair rattling up, bringing insecurity from tr Uranus opposition the Neptune and square Mars this May and again over late December to mid March 2025.
One intriguing astro-thought Peter Murrell’s Mars went retrograde by progression in May 2016 just before the Brexit Referendum – so something started to sap his vitality and forward gear from that point onwards for many years to come.
Venus Neptune in others money! My son is Venus Neptune in Sagittarius 1981 and will gamble on 2 flies walking up a window pane right from being very young. He’s even been to USA playing and losing at poker. And, joy of joys exactly opposite my Venus as is a big financial enemy of mine. The Gods were having a laugh when I was born. Gambling is a truly horrible addiction.
She seems very loyal to him, being a Cancer I imagine ensures that. I am a Sag and really we are the last people to be in charge of money, I leave that to Virgo’s.
Capricorns maybe as well?