‘Legendary’, ‘visionary’, ‘the enfant terrible of British theatre’ – the tributes to Peter Brook, who has just died, aged 97, give testament to his standalone status as a theatrical genius. His love for drama developed early with his rendition of Hamlet being delivered for his family aged 7. After Oxford, aged 20 he was appointed director of Birmingham Repertory Theatre.; thence onto the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), the Royal Opera House and subsequently director at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York.
He worked with all the great actors directing Laurence Olivier, John Gielgud, Diana Rigg and Paul Scofield, constantly experimenting, putting Shakespeare on trapezes and staging a nine-hour Mahabharata.
He was a stickler for intensive rehearsals which were time-consuming and cost money. This sent him eventually to Paris where he was given a well subsidised company and he never returned.
He was born 21 March 1925 6.20 pm London, the son of Lithuanian Jewish parents from Latvia, both gifted scientists who later set up a pharmaceutical company. His brother became a psychiatrist and a cousin ran a Moscow Satire Theatre. A talented family.
Brook had a go-ahead Ares Sun on his Descendant so he was a people-person though with Pluto in his 10th he’d like to be in control. Pluto in the 10th has a reputation for producing (in some cases) legends in their community which he certainly was. His Pluto opposed a 4th house Jupiter, doubling up on his confidence and giving him a disregard for rules and regulations.
His innovative Uranus in his working 6th house was conjunct a creative Venus in Pisces. He also had his Aquarius Moon in his performing 5th house opposition Neptune in Leo (and close to a leadership Leo North Node)squaring onto a formidably stubborn, bulldozer Mars in Taurus. His Mercury in Aries was in an intense, dogmatic square to Pluto and inconjunct Saturn.
He wouldn’t be the easiest man to get along with.
His leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17th Harmonic chart was strong; as was his creative 7H.
His 22nd Harmonic is strong. 22H gives “superstar, immortality, strong leadership”. In his 22h he has Saturn, director,
in the 5th of theater, Sun exalted in Aries at the MH, Moon, public projection in his 7th.
Starkman rectified his chart to 18.30.24 GMT Asc 4Lib17′ (click link above)
Longevity: Sun sextile Mars, opposite Asc, helio Mars in opposition to helio Jupiter on MC-IC axis.
Venus sextile Jupiter, helio Venus sextile helio Jupiter
Mercury sextile helio Mercury
Transits for his death:
Mars conjunct cusp 8th
Pluto square cusp 8th
Converse transit Pluto conjunct Desc orb 6′
In the converse solar return, Pluto square radical MC 9′, SN conjunct radical cusp 8th
Thank you. That was quick! He certainly lifted British theatre out of its repertory rut. Every theatre course I ever took, his was the name always mentioned, although I did often wonder how practical his approach was.