Patrick Dempsey, formerly McDreamy of Gray’s Anatomy, has been named by the celeb magazine People as their sexiest man alive for the year. An accolade which has been handed to all the top male movie stars since Mel Gibson in 1985 onwards.
Dempsey, born 13 January 1966 11.45am Lewiston, Maine, is smiling winsomely at the fuss, but clearly happy to have arrived at the top of the pile. In addition to acting he is also a racing car driver which as I recollect did not go down well with producer Shonda Rhimes on Gray’s Anatomy which he finally left in 2015.
He is a Sun Capricorn on his Midheaven with charming and ambitious Venus Mars in Aquarius in his 10th also, suiting him for a public career. His Mars is in a showbusiness square to Neptune and an exuberant trine to Jupiter in Gemini and a Libra Moon. So an Air Grand Trine plus a Capricorn Sun trine Uranus Pluto in Virgo in his sporting 5th house – air and earth, a calming mix despite Uranus Pluto’s disruptive tendencies.
He was married initially to his manager and acting coach, Rocky Parker, whom he met when he was 18 and she was 44 which ended five years later in a messy divorce with her claiming abuse, which allegations she later withdrew. He has been married to beauty and hair care entrepreneur Jillian Fink since 1999 with three children.
He does have Neptune in his 7th so won’t always find close relationships easy and his present marriage nearly split a few years back.
His first wife Rocky Parker, 26 February 1940, was, not surprisingly given the age gap, a highly Saturnine connection with her Saturn in Aries square his Sun and his Saturn conjunct her Sun – both have Libra Moons. Their relationship chart was expansive but also power struggling with a sticky yod with Mars on the apex – bound together but not enjoying it.
His second wife, Jillian Fink, 4 February 1966, is less than three weeks younger than him. So their outer planets are in the same place. She has an Aquarius Sun in a conjunction to his argumentative Mars and like him Venus in Aquarius. Her Moon is probably Leo. Their relationship chart is affectionate and upbeat though with more pressures approaching after 2025.
He is in a good phase career-wise with Saturn moving through his upper quadrant for several years. And especially now with Jupiter moving across his Taurus Ascendant.