Hugh Hefner – a throwback to a sleazy era ++ Bob Guccione ++ Pluto 10th – Crowley, Polanski, Picasso

Hugh Hefner, a headline-grabber in the days before #metoo when Playboy bunnies and the bon vivant lifestyle that went with them were regarded as acceptable entertainment has been cut down to size six years after his death by his third wife, Crystal Harris, in a tell-all memoir. She was 26 when they married and he … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon – living a dream, ignoring reality ++cartoon

All political careers end in failure, so goes the accepted wisdom, but none more so than Nicola Sturgeon. In her day hailed as a paragon by the press at large (mainly) and protected from criticism by phalanxes of her rabid Nat-trolls, she strode on, a shining example to other lesser leaders. Murmurs in the background … Read more

Katherine Birbalsingh – resisting religious splits ++

Katherine Birbalsingh, known as Britain’s strictest head teacher with an outstanding educational record in her school, is facing legal action over a ban on prayer rituals. She defended the policy, arguing that it was vital in order to “maintain a successful learning environment where children of all races and religion can thrive”.   Previously, the … Read more

Yemen – rich history leaves scars ++ beware the Ides of February ++ Ben Gurion Canal

Yemen is the latest epi-centre of conflict in an increasingly turbulent Middle East. US and UK forces, with support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlands, struck “a number of targets in Yemen used by Houthi rebels” in a bid to thwart their capacity to endanger international shipping moving through the Red Sea which in … Read more

Anaretic degree – dither and dash, packing a punch ++ more celebs

The anaretic degree from 29° to 29°59’59’’ was always deemed fated or problematic though it has also been associated with old souls who have reached a peak, with hints of the difficulty about being able to leave the past behind. The effect can be of the ‘dither and dash’ variety – unable to decide and … Read more

Supreme Court – blind justice being tested

The US Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether Colorado can ban Donald Trump from the presidential ballot, setting the stage for a potentially landmark legal decision that will have implications for the 2024 US election. The court’s move will put the spotlight on its nine justices, three of whom were appointed by the former … Read more