Northern Ireland – uncertainty and political inertia

    Paralysis has gripped Northern Ireland as the impasse in restoring power-sharing government continues and there is anxiety close to horror about the prospect of a hard border with the Republic returning post-Brexit. The Northern Ireland 7 December 1922 3.28pm Belfast chart looks discouraged now with little sign of improvement over the next three years. … Read more

Fight for the soul of Pluto in Capricorn – social media catch-22

    Pondering on whether we are truly at a page-turning moment in history and where it fits the astrology, especially the momentous once-in-250-year Pluto in Capricorn, a thought suddenly struck me about where the world wide web fitted into all of this. Pluto in Capricorn’s thrust is to transform government (and finances) – collapse … Read more

Scotland – a renewed push for freedom in the 2020s

      The Scottish National Party has thrown its support behind the Catalonian separatist movement, though they’ve dropped discussion of a second independence referendum pro tem until the Brexit negotiations conclude. Several EU countries have secessionist problems, including the UK, Belgium and Italy, so the EU will be worried about the outcome in Spain. … Read more