Barbara Windsor – a New Moon Leo flying high above scandal

Bubbly actress Barbara Windsor, best known for EastEnders, Carry On comedies and a riotous love life involving some scary criminals back in the day, is reportedly to be made a dame in the New Year Honours. Though some think that unlikely. She has skated through through scandal after scandal and emerged as a national treasure, … Read more

Castle Howard – Kane & Abel – duelling with lawyer’s quills

One thing worse than being born into a celebrity family is being born into an aristocratic one. Castle Howard, the spectacular setting for Brideshead Revisited, is now the scene of a family feud which according to a friend makes ‘Kane and Abel look like a fairy tale.’ Before the late Lord Howard of Henderskelfe died … Read more

Cecil Rhodes – two sides to a man of his time

Oxford students are up in arms about Cecil Rhodes statue (founder of Rhodesia) remaining erect within the hallowed confines since they claim he was a bigoted racist. There’s a counter-argument in today’s Times (behind a pay wall). His biographer said “as a young man he had related directly and well to unlettered Zulu. Throughout his … Read more

Harjit Sajjan – Minister of Defence with hands-on experience

Harjit Sajjan, an Indian-born Canadian Sikh has been appointed Minister for Defence in Justin Trudeau’s government. For 11 years he was with Vancouver Police latterly as a detective investigating organised crime. He served with distinction in Afghanistan winning medals and praise and was specially requested to join the US Command Team. Born 6 September 1970 … Read more

Cate Blanchett & Rooney Mara – talented rivals

Cate Blanchett, the multi-award winning Australian/American actress has a talent for picking (and being picked for) highly successful movies. Her latest of ‘Carol’, based on a Patricia Highsmith novel, about two women falling in love, is certainly picking up the publicity and nominations for the Golden Globes on 10th January. Cate Blanchett, 14 May 1969 … Read more