Leslie Kenton – New Moon in Cancer – earth mother



Leslie Kenton was the guru of health and beauty in the 1970/80s when she was a lynchpin of Harpers & Queens magazine, extolling the virtues of raw food and juice diets long before they became commonplace. She lived an alternative lifestyle, often dressed in white flowing robes, had four children by four different fathers, lived for spells in a Buddhist monastery, embraced shamanism and other spiritual practices.

She was a larger than life personality with considerable presence and in later years wrote a memoir about being abused by her father Stan Kenton, the jazz musician. Of her death in November in New Zealand where she lived in recent years, her children wrote on her blog: ‘On the evening following her death the earth literally shook. A magnitude 7.8 earthquake 150km north of Leslie’s home rocked the country. A day later there was a Super Full Moon.’ She would have appreciated the syncronicity.

She was born in Los Angeles on 24 June 1941 and my memory is she had a 9th house New Moon in Cancer, so I’ve put the birth time circa 1pm.

Her New Moon was square a showbizzy, publicity-attracting Mars in Pisces opposition a 12th house Neptune. Neptune in the 12th would certainly crave solitude at times but she always revelled in attention from a public audience. A focal point Sun is quite ego-centred and a focal point Moon needs the attention of a wide circle rather than just one person.

She wrote 40 books which fits a communication 9th house emphasis. As well as the Cancer slant since she had Venus and Mercury also in Cancer around her MC. Cancer has a knack of intuiting what the public wants at any given time. Her 10th house Pluto would help to give her legendary status and influence though was also controlling. Her Saturn Uranus in Taurus in her 8th would contribute to her constantly changing emotional life, as would the self-sufficient New Moon.

She had a strongly aspected get-it-together 5th Harmonic; as well as 7th Harmonic which is a spiritual number, a seeking soul, perfectionist and craving of peace. Plus her victim/healer 12H was marked and intense.

Stan Kenton, born 15 Dec 1911, was a controlling personality with a Sagittarius Sun opposition Pluto with his Pluto conjunct her New Moon, so she would feel dominated by him. His Mars in Taurus was conjunct her Saturn Uranus in her 8th which is a damaging and unkind cross over, though she said she never hated him.

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