Ewan McGregor – an action-man Aries with a wandering Gemini Moon

      Ewan McGregor appears to have been struck by the Hollywood curse on marriages after splitting from his long-time wife, production designer Eve Mavrakis. Born 31 March 1971 8.10pm Perth, Scotland, he has an Aries Sun opposition Uranus square Mars in Capricorn, so will always need excitement and risk; plus a constantly-changing Gemini … Read more

Trump flailing around, shooting himself in the foot

      The Trump lash-back reflex appears to be misfiring spectacularly as he digs himself a crater-sized hole over presidential condolences to the families of soldiers killed in action. Following Roy Cohn, his mentor’s advice – ‘always be on the attack, counterpunch whenever punched and never apologize. Never, ever, ever apologize’ – he blames … Read more

Balfour Declaration – imperial opportunism

      The Balfour Declaration, 2 November 1917, expressed the support of the British government during WW1 for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a minority Jewish population. And it added: “it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the … Read more