Mexico – high hopes for new leadership



A landslide election victory in Mexico for the left-wing, anti-establishment Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Amlo) crushed the two main parties whom he had described as the “mafia of power”.

He faces a mountain of problems with widespread corruption, drug and cartel violence, poverty and inequality – at least 48 candidates were murdered during the campaign. He has been highly critical of Trump though he toned down his rhetoric in his victory speech.

Born 13 November 1953 in Tabasco, Mexico, he has an unbudgeable Sun Mercury in Scorpio square Pluto; with an Aquarius Moon and Venus Saturn also in Scorpio. His Neptune square Uranus and trines Jupiter, so he’ll be idealistic though whether he’ll be practical time will tell.

It’ll be a rocky ride ahead with tr Uranus opposition his Venus Saturn on and off from now till early 2019; with a high-risk tr Pluto square his Mars/Saturn in 2018/2019; and an explosive tr Uranus opposition his Sun/Mars midpoint this November and February 2019.  And it gets no easier ahead. Although he’ll have one lucky influence in 2020 it’ll probably be obliterated by a tr Pluto in a devastating square to his Neptune and a disruptive opposition to his Uranus (into 2021) and tough-times Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Saturn.

The Mexico country chart, 15 September 1810 11pm Dolores Hidalgo, has an undermining tr Neptune conjunct the 10th house Pluto till late 2019; with perhaps some progress from tr Pluto trine the Virgo Sun in 2019/2020 but it’ll be an uphill struggle of mountainous proportions. There did look to be a shock this year with Solar Arc Mars opposition the Sun and hopefully this election turnaround is it; though there may be a collision of sorts to come. Start time being accurate, there’s also tr Uranus conjunct the Taurus Moon, now and into early 2019 which fits with a population in rebellious mood, fed up with the traditional parties.

Amlo is likely to raise a good deal of anger since his Pluto is conjunct the Mexico Mars – and that could be dangerous for him since he’ll be up against a tranche of vested interests.

His relationship chart with Trump will be a continual jockeying for the upper hand with a composite Jupiter Pluto; with not much love lost on either side. It’ll slide badly from late this October right through 2019 as tr Neptune opposes the composite Saturn, Venus, Mercury and Mars – so no détente there.

Pic: Agencia de Noticias ANDES

One thought on “Mexico – high hopes for new leadership

  1. I think it’s safe to say none of the Mexican Presidential Hopefuls would have been easy on Trump. But with his Scorpio/Aquarius López Obrador seems like a type that can get under Trump’s skin like few others while keeping his calm.

    I think his main focus will be in Mexico itself, though. The country has a serious corruption problem.

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