NRA – trumpeting their success in loosening gun laws


The NRA, despite facing an internal power struggle amnongst senior management and inquiries over financial improprieties, appears to be sailing ahead regardless doing what it does best – fending off any tightening of gun laws. The Texas Branch of the NRA crowed six weeks ago that it had a “highly successful” year as every one of the bills they backed to loosen existing laws was signed in by the Texas Governor and legislators.

The NRA chart, 17 November 1871 has an immoveable, dogmatic and obstinate Scorpio Sun opposition Pluto; and the assassin’s signature Mars Saturn exactly conjunct in traditional Capricorn. There’s a degree of confusion and uncertainty on this chart just till the end of this year with tr Pluto square the Neptune. But it’s real test will come between 2022 and 2025 when tr Uranus is conjunct the Pluto and then opposition the Sun which will threaten to turn it upside down. But it is a very stubborn chart and won’t be easy to shift.

Looking to see what hooks the NRA into the USA – the NRA Pluto falls (on my time) in the USA 8th which is possessive and controlling. The NRA Gemini North Node is conjunct the USA Mars. A Gemini Node is a free spirit, dislikes restrictions, shirks responsibility, doesn’t understand the rights of others, ultimately for development must move away from sport towards higher knowledge (seems unlikely). Most pointedly the NRA Jupiter is conjunct the USA Mercury and opposition its Pluto with the NRA Neptune square – so its over-confident and head-in-the-clouds approach taps into that fanatical streak in the American temperament.

The relationship chart is even more stark and brutal with a ruthless composite Mars Pluto opposition Sun Mercury and trine Saturn – lashed together, highly controlling, enraged. But the bond is slowly being eroded by tr Neptune opposition the composite Sun in 2020/21 and then moving to hard aspect Pluto, Mars and Mercury from 2021 to 2024. Neptune is a great dissolver of foundations so maybe, just maybe, it’ll rust through the chains that bind the USA to its addiction to guns. Though it’s difficult to see how they’re going to get this genie back in the lamp even with a determined legislative push.

Trump naturally has a cosy relationship with the NRA with a mutually supportive composite Sun, Jupiter, Venus – though there’ll be a sharp, short shock late this December to early February 2020 with tr Uranus opposition the composite Mars, which will send a few ripples through their communal pond.

5 thoughts on “NRA – trumpeting their success in loosening gun laws

  1. NY Attorney General just announced it is sueing to dissolve the NRA for many alleged breaches of its Trust status.
    The NY AG is Letitia James born 18 October 1958 in Brooklyn, NY.
    Congratulations your comments a year ago seem very opportune!
    Any other thoughts Marjorie?

  2. NRA supports whatever is profitable for gun manufacturers. That means getting people all riled up that’s it’s a scarybaddangerous world and you need an AR-15 (actually many AR-15s) to keep the scarybaddangerous people at bay. Better go buy some now ‘afore the Democrats send you off to prison for even thinking about a gun.

  3. The latest I heard was NRA membership is declining and they are struggling financially. Turns out most Millenials just aren’t as interested in guns their parents or grandparents were, and American gun industry might be the next one they ruin. NRA was, for instance, recently not only forced to fire their controversial spokeswoman Dana Loesch, but basically shut down the NRATV operation that was ran by an expensive media agency.

    So, even with that “sturdy” chart, they will definitely see themselves reduced to a much more pre-Reagan era existance.

  4. NRA originally conceived as method to improve marksmanship (Wikipedia says original charter
    11/16/1871). Any major changes in gun regulation happened after presidential assassination
    (Kennedy) or attempts (Reagan). Focus of the group shifted when Reagan came into office.
    Charlton Heston (one time democrat, switched to republican) led the group, not unlike his role
    as Moses with a rousing “pry my gun from my cold dead hands” rhetoric. Marksmanship seems
    much less important now, But it’s peculiar. Gen. Burnside supported NRA because Union soldiers
    used 1,000 bullets for every Confederate shot…something along the lines of “couldn’t hit the
    broadside of a barn” ability. So now NRA supports automatic weapons that utilize quantity over
    accuracy. If the original intent (patterned after British NRA) was to defend the union,
    alignment with presidential candidates is not surprising, and explains the tight bonds.
    Just a few thoughts.

  5. he had Capricorn stellium? like aoc? there will be more of this?
    nemesis is the asteroid involved .scheat the malevolent fixed star.

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