A northern cold war is hotting up with Russia ratcheting up “hybrid” operations of cyberattacks and signal-jamming in Norway affecting military, government and commercial operations. The fear is that conflict in Ukraine could spill over to the north.
Sweden has sent hundreds of extra troops to the Baltic island of Gotland after Russia deployed more landing craft to the region and unidentified drones were seen above Swedish nuclear power stations. Over the past year Russia has reactivated Soviet-era military bases in the Arctic region and built new airstrips on islands in the high north. US and UK forces have also been gearing up for the possibility of conflict in the Arctic.
Norway’s close alignment with the US and its allies has put it in Moscow’s sights. Part of the reason for Russia’s hectic burst of military activity in the far north is that it feels global warming and the melting of the Arctic ice is turning its northern coast — once an all but impenetrable natural barrier — into a 20,000-mile vulnerability. It is also trying to exploit the retreat of the ice sheets for commercial purposes as the northern sea passage becomes viable, which by some estimates could be iceberg free in the summers by 2050.
The Norway, 7 June 1905 11am Oslo chart, is showing distinct signs of disruptions and a turnaround in its relations with Russia this year with tr Pluto conjunct the composite Uranus. The tensions started mounting in 2019 and have been escalating since. The relationship between Norway and modern Russia 1991 is no better with tensions erupting mid this year and worsening through an aggravated 2023.
The Norway country chart does look stressed exactly now into February with tr Neptune square the Pluto; with a ‘shock’ of sorts or a setback which could have military associations in 2023 with the Solar Arc Mars conjunct Saturn. The Norwegian economy appears to be doing better than most as the pandemic wanes.
The Sweden 6 June 1523 JC chart has an undermining tr Neptune square the Gemini Sun this year into early 2023. The Sweden 7 December 1865 3.30pm Stockholm chart, is labouring under tr Saturn square tr Pluto upending its Pluto in Taurus opposition Saturn which won’t clear until after the final disruptive tr Uranus conjunct Pluto this coming March.
Relations with both old and new Russia on both Sweden charts are fraught and turbulent over the next three years. So nothing calming down too soon.
See previous post Russia flexing its muscles December 22 2021.
What about Finland? Ok, I understand Russians wouldn’t even try based on past experiences, but seriously speaking given that Baltic Countries are NATO members, they’d need Hanko to make it to Gotland.
Sorry Marjorie off topic, but historic news for Women with this full moon in Cancer opposite Sun Pluto, The House of Lords has voted Monday night to make misogyny a hate crime in England and Wales!
Misandry is acceptable perhaps in this new age!!! 😉
It’s been terrible seeing the rising political tensions – whether internally or between nations – all over the world while we are all still struggling with the coronavirus. But I am guessing that it may be a reason Putin is so aggressive now – trying to take advantage of instability and diminished capacity (so many out sick), while China flexes its muscles as well over Taiwan and builds influence in Africa and S. America. Meanwhile climate worsens.
It really tests one’s hope and optimism for mankind’s future.
China is a far more dangerous country than Russia . Is there a astro power-crazed signature in that
country ?
Thank you Marjorie. More rumbling unease – I hope it’s mostly sabre rattling tension, and doesn’t erupt.
I noticed that the April 30th Solar eclipse at 10 Taurus is close to opposing Norway’s Mars at 8 Scorpio, and Sweden’s Saturn at 8 Scorpio. It will conjunct the Sweden Pluto at 12 Taurus.
I don’t know whether to count an eclipse in a composite chart (?), but the Sweden/Russia chart here has Nodes at 26 Scorpio/Taurus, so was in line for that November 2021 lunar eclipse, with Algol. That also sensitised Sweden’s Scorpio Venus (finances?) and Norway’s Mercury in Taurus in the 9th house of foreign interests and people. On May 15th this year there’s a lunar eclipse at 25 Scorpio as well. Currently, the transiting North Node is close to the November eclipse degree, and arrives there in February.
It would be interesting to see a similar graphic with the NATO troops stationed all along Russia’s borders with Europe.