North Korea is acting provocatively towards the south blowing up a connecting road and making balloon rubbish drops across the border with the present South Korean leader taking a less relaxed view than his predecessor about their troublesome neighbour. Concern is also being voiced about Kim Jong Un’s military support for Putin in Ukraine sending weapons and troops.
Kim Jong Un’s Leadership chart, which is the one verified date, 29 December 2011 11.57am P’yonggang, does suggest a hint of bullish confidence from tr Pluto square Jupiter running till late December. But alongside that runs setbacks and glitches. Tr Neptune Saturn into Aries conjunct the Uranus from just before mid 2025 on into 2026 will be highly strung and on edge with the likelihood of eruptions. Common sense will be in short supply with the possibility of reckless actions as tr Uranus squares the Neptune again from just before mid 2025 onwards and then squares the Moon into 2026.
Tr Neptune Saturn in Aries will move to square the Leadership Sun Pluto conjunction in Capricorn between 2026 and 2027/28 which will be monumentally blocked and undermined.
The North Korea country chart, 9 September 1948 5.27 pm P’yonggang, will be on high alert and acting erratically when tr Uranus squares the Saturn in Leo June 2025 into 2026; and worse will be completely trapped and frustrated by tr Pluto square the Mars from March 2025, on and off till late 2026 – with an even more destructive Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Mars in late 2026 into 2027.
South Korea, founded on 15 August 1948 seems less troubled.
Relations between North Korea and Russia flag up the same high-tension alert as Uranus reaches 28 degrees Taurus from mid 2025 into 2026 with tr Uranus opposition the composite Neptune. It is essentially an unstable connection between the two countries which will be made worse as tr Neptune Saturn start to erode the Pluto opposition Uranus from 2026 onwards.
South Korea is a rich, highly educated and sophisticated democracy, engaged with the world at large. The North is a Cold War dictatorship and economic failure whose only asset is its armed forces (including its nuclear arsenal).
Plagiarized from wiki: South Korea. Its massive investment in education has taken the country from mass illiteracy to a major international technological powerhouse. The country’s national economy benefits from a highly skilled workforce and is among the most educated countries in the world with one of the highest percentages of its citizens holding a tertiary education degree
The country has one of the world’s highest-educated labor forces among OECD countries. The country is well known for its highly feverish outlook on education, where its national obsession with education has been called “education fever.” This obsession with education has catapulted the resource-poor nation consistently atop the global education rankings.
South Korea has a universal health care system. According to the Health Care Index ranking, it has the world’s best healthcare system as of 2021. Life expectancy has been rising rapidly and South Korea ranked 6th in the world for life expectancy at 83.5 years in 2023. Though it also has a high suicide rate.
Astrologically somewhat similar to India and Pakistan (August 1947) with a Leo Sun conjunct Saturn Pluto.
Below is South Korea’s parans wheel….As Hygiea, health care rises,
fixed star, Mirach, is culminating.
Mirach with Saturn and Moon, gives longevity to the populace.
Mirach gives personal beauty, a brilliant mind, renown.
With Uranus it gives success with technology.
Here is the parans chart with accompanying aspects, from Asc & Mirach.
“South Korea is a rich, highly educated and sophisticated democracy, engaged with the world at large.”
With a ton of its own problems, such as a horrifically low birth rate, academic excellency strandards impossible competition wreaking havoc on people’s lives, the power of the chaebols, high levels of non-financial debt, misogyny, digital sex crimes, minorities discrimination (racial, sexual…), rising inequality and thus polarization and so on.
I think that in previous 50 years or something it hadn’t had a recession.
Does its chart show something at the same time as the North’s?
I was aware of the S Korean debt crisis which is huge among individual citizens (‘Squid Game’ ~ the Netflix Drama series ~ reflected the extent to which South Koreans will go in order to win money to pay off their vast levels of debt) but only relatively recently learned about the shocking misogyny problem in the nation which is having a terrible effect on young South Korean girls and women.
A recent court ruling in South Korea recognised misogyny as hate crime motive in landmark ruling
‘While South Korea is a leading technological power and major pop culture exporter, it remains a socially conservative society with a poor record on women’s rights.’
But the same could be said for France and many other countries.
And compared to North Korea? Which is not only anti-women is pretty much inhumane.
Appreciate the posting. Have been reading the articles online (BBC but not CNN) to catch up on the politics of Russia/KN and Ukraine. What a mess!