North Korea – on a road to perdition



Kim Jong Un has called Donald Trump’s ‘fire and fury like nothing the world has ever seen’ bluff by detonating an underground hydrogen bomb, five times more powerful than the atomic one at Nagasaki which killed 70,000 instantly in 1945.

North Korea is undoubtedly a hot spot for Trump, since relocating his chart to Pyonggang puts his bombastic Mars in Leo on the Descendant. But a military retaliation from the US would bring not only devastation to the region but myriad consequences vis a vis the Chinese.

One solution being floated by Angela Merkel and others is to leverage China into accepting a complete embargo on North Korea, by threatening the largest Chinese banks for laundering money for the Kim regime. Trump could designate them “primary money laundering concerns” which would deny them the ability to transact in dollars – essentially a death sentence. That would throw the Chinese financial and political systems into turmoil.

Kim Jong Un’s leadership chart, 29 Dec 2011 11.57am Pyonggang is heading for complete disruption and upheaval anytime over the next six months as the Solar Arc Uranus moves to square the Sun and then Pluto. So he’s not going to be allowed to continue as is whatever happens. This December and January 2018 look times when his administration will run into major setbacks and high-risk. Tr Saturn will conjunct the MC and square Ascendant; and then tr Pluto will trine Mars.

China looks exceptionally on edge at the moment financially; and insecure in other ways with the Solar Arc Uranus conjunct their 8th house Saturn in Virgo, which tr Neptune is also opposing in 2017/2018. So a highly uncertain phase for them. They are certainly pulling away from North Korea more decisively from late this October to early December with tr Saturn square the composite Sun, Venus, Mars. Their relations with the USA look high-tension and jangled through September, and at daggers drawn in December with tr Pluto opposition their composite Mars.

Given the chaos within the Trump administration and the lacklustre Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, described in the media as worse than useless, it’s anyone’s guess what comes next. On the USA chart tr Saturn is in the aggravating opposition to Mars now and moving to square the Neptune from late September into October – which looks like setbacks and then confusion in the next few weeks.

[See post Aug 9 2017]

11 thoughts on “North Korea – on a road to perdition

  1. With the non paranoid and clearly sane Baron von Munchausen in the White House, impotently threatening nuclear Armageddon to an equally deranged headbanger…The rest of the world is sick to death of American (and others) warmongering and belligerent threats (to weaker nations unable to fight back usually) . Why doesn’t loathsome Donald do what he said during the campaign and WIND DOWN American overseas entanglements?

    Buckeye asks ” Why would Un and his father think the US was going to destroy them? Pure paranoia on their part”. A little history to take us beyond infantile Goodies and Baddies….from the blog:-

    “How did we get here? In the 1950s the USA dropped 635,000 tonnes of bombs on North Korea including 35,000 tonnes of napalm. The US killed an estimated 20% of the North Korean population. For comparison, approximately 2% of the UK population was killed during World War II.

    That this massive destruction of North Korea resulted in a xenophobic, American-hating state with an obsession with developing powerful weapons systems to ensure national survival, is not exactly surprising. The western media treat the existence of the Kim Jong-un regime as an inexplicable and eccentric manifestation of evil. In fact, it is caused. Unless those causes are addressed the situation can never be resolved. Has any western politician ever referenced the history I have just given in discussing North Korea?”

  2. Unsavoury weirdo that Kim is, looking at it from his point of view I suspect he thinks that if Saddam, Gaddafi or Assad retained nuclear arsenals, their countries might not have been destroyed by America and its lackeys? Trumps finger jabbing bellicosity has probably exacerbated the situation. Has America stopped doing diplomacy?

    • Trump decided to downside diplomacy and cut back the Secretary of State’s department and Tillerson appears to be making a ham-fisted job of doing – not very much.

    • Why would Un and his father think the US was going to destroy them? Pure paranoia on their part. Has South Korea been destroyed? How’s South Korea going right this second compared to NK? As for the rogue’s gallery of heinous rulers you listed, yeah, we should have sent them nukes for Christmas–NOT.

      Un is much more than an unsavoury weirdo bothering people for spare change. Millions of people’s lives and minds have been shaped by Il and Un, with a hold that will continue to last far into the future.

  3. Even two days ago, a preemptive attack by the U.S. was unthinkable. Trump spent this morning meeting with his military advisors about non-diplomatic responses to the latest N.K. test, however. The greatest concern is that once these weapons are successfully miniaturised and can reach the continental U.S., we’ll be forever subjected to N.K. blackmail…by a crazy blackmailer. And there are mere weeks to make a preemptive move. It’s a hellish situation. I remember the Cuban Missile Crisis…it was small potatoes compared to this nightmare.

    • No, Cuba was NOT small pototoes. What makes the difference is that NKorea is today, not 1962. Nukes on the island of Cuba, only 90 miles from the US Mainland? Small potatoes? Where is your perspective? You were a kid.

  4. USA has lots of cinfusion late 2017.
    Early 2018 due to a nuclear bomb on US. Jong may be murdered afterwards but the stars show he does something terrible or wild.

  5. Political commentary, “Because there are no good options, the most likely outcome of this crisis will be an eventual US policy drift toward a de facto recognition of North Korean nukes and a policy of containment similar in some ways to that once used on the USSR. This will likely lead to a nuclear arms race in Asia and lots of other very bad outcomes, but it may wind up being the only choice for now.”

  6. this is one genie who won’t go back into the bottle. Hydrogen bombs? Stock up on your dosimeters and potassium iodide. Doom and gloom forecasting, no one can be certain what will come of it. Trump is in a corner of his own making, and pushing any one button or buttons will leave him (and the US) totally alone and exposed.

    it’ll have to be a diplomatic solution not of America’s making.

  7. marjorie – to quote you “One solution being floated by Angela Merkel and others is to leverage China into accepting a complete embargo on North Korea, by threatening the largest Chinese banks for laundering money for the Kim regime. Trump could designate them “primary money laundering concerns” which would deny them the ability to transact in dollars – essentially a death sentence. That would throw the Chinese financial and political systems into turmoil.”

    isn’t it interesting how 1 country, accompanied by a number of western poodles to this same country – has the ability to throw others into turmoil so easily??? what does that say about the supposed democracy of these same countries, or about the role that the international institutions play in maintaining a façade of neutrality?? good old uncle scam can put the screws to others and not a peep from most.. something is wrong with the system.. i leave it to your imagination what it might be.. north korea is the least of it’s problems…

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