Nico Rosberg shocked the motor-racing world when he announced his retirement five days after finally winning the Formula One World Championship, saying he’d done what he wanted. But commentators think the pressure of the competition with team mate Lewis Hamilton was a factor.
Born 27 Jun 1985 to a Finnish racing driver father, he’s an emotionally volatile and determined Sun Mars in Cancer trine Pluto and opposition Neptune; with a cool Venus in Taurus opposition Saturn in Scorpio squaring onto Jupiter in Aquarius – undoubtedly lucky and talented but also marginally wobbly with that Saturn Jupiter square.
Without a birth time, there’s nothing too dramatic showing on his chart; apart from a successful tr Pluto square his Mars/Jupiter as he won. His Solar Arc Neptune is in a confused/devastating square to his Pluto which may have been a factor if it is on the angles. Ahead in 2017 looks tough going and fairly undermining and depressed. I wonder if he’ll regret his sudden decision?
His relationship chart with Lewis Hamilton, 7 Jan 1985, does certainly have a ferociously competitive composite Mars opposition Pluto square Jupiter, but there’s not much showing on that at the moment.
Hamilton is a confident, ambitious Sun Jupiter in Capricorn with a passionate Mars Venus in Pisces in a risk-taking square to Uranus. He’s got some real highs ahead from now onwards though also periods of high risk and frustration also in 2017/18. 2019 will be especially successful with tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter.