Nicolas Sarkozy, former French President has been sentenced to three years in jail, two of them suspended, for corruption. He was found guilty of trying to bribe a magistrate by offering a prestigious job in Monaco in return for information about a criminal inquiry into his political party. He can serve the term at home with an electronic tag which rather takes the sting out of the conviction, barring the ego-dent and reputational damage. He may appeal.
There’s a rerun below of a November 24 2020 post since it was fairly spot on. And looking at it again his Progressed Mars (conjunct Algol) exactly square his Pluto couldn’t be more descriptive; plus tr Uranus square and tr Saturn conjunct his attention-demanding 5th house Sun Aquarius.
His wife Carla Bruni, looks rattled as well with her Sun/Moon midpoint catching the tr Uranus opposition and tr Saturn square this year which will do nothing for marital harmony.
Nov 24: Nicholas Sarkozy, the former ‘bling-bling’ president of France, is facing a raft of charges, and maybe the first of separate trials for corruption and influence-peddling. He allegedly tried to bribe a magistrate in return for information about an investigation into his party finances. Prosecutors also suspect that he and several associates received millions of euros of Libyan cash to fund his 2007 presidential campaign, at a time Gaddafi was in power. All hotly denied.
Jacques Chirac, another former right-wing president, was given a two-year suspended prison sentence in 2011 for diverting public funds and abusing public trust during his time as mayor of Paris.
Sarkozy, born 28 January 1955 10pm Paris, France, has a grandstanding 5th house Aquarius Sun sextile a hyper-assertive 7th house Mars Moon in Aries, so a full-on personality. He has a lucky Uranus Jupiter in his career 10th; an unrealistic and slippery Neptune in his 2nd house of finances trine Mercury, sextile Venus in flamboyant Sagittarius. His Mercury opposes Pluto on the cusp of his 12th square Saturn in obsessive Scorpio – more than a bit stubborn.
What’s most telling at the moment on his chart is his Progressed Mars which is moving to square his Pluto, exactly in three months, but in effect now – scary, trapped, powerless. Tr Saturn is also in an uncertain and worrisome square to his 2nd house Neptune in the final days of this month and the first week of December over the duration of this immediate trial. His Progressed Moon moving through his 12th for almost a year ahead will be discouraging, a time of endings and soul-searching. Tr Pluto opposing his Uranus from late January 29021, on and off till late 2022, will be unsettling, a time of his ambitions turning upside down.
His wife Carla Bruni looks less than delighted from late March 2021 onwards with tr Neptune opposition her Virgo Moon and then Pluto for more than a year, which will undermine her domestic security. Plus her Solar Arc Sun is moving to a confused and discontented square to her Neptune within months as well.
He does have a lucky Jupiter in his 10th so may escape the worst of adverse judgements. Though it’ll be a sweaty few months ahead.
He has a strong get-it-together 5th harmonic; a ‘rise-and-fall’ sometimes self-induced 10H; and a marked 9H, which is pleasure and money-seeking.