Neil Woodford – another Venus Mars + Neptune


Another same-day headliner with surprisingly similar astro-patterns to Sinaga is investment manager Neil Woodford. His company made heavy losses which trapped hundreds of thousands of investors without access to their cash and shrunk their capital by a considerable margin. Despite that he and his partner took out £13.8 million in the months before the company imploded, which brings a total of £112m in dividends to the pair since the Woodford Equity Income fund was launched in 2014. He was fired in 2019.

Born 2 March 1960 he’s a Sun Pisces opposition Pluto; with Venus Mars conjunct in Aquarius square Neptune; and a Taurus Moon. Not, I hasten to add, that there’s any suggestion of him having the same proclivities as Sinaga – just interesting to see how similar astrology can have a different outcome in practice. Passionate enthusiasm from Venus Mars with a Neptunian bent. A controlling Pisces with an Earthy, indulgent Moon.

Woodford does have an exceptionally strong 9th Harmonic which is often found with those who prize money about morals – Madoff etc.

His Saturn in Capricorn is catching the two Cardinal Lunar Eclipses this year which might suggest he’ll get his comeuppance though he also has some undeservedly lucky Jupiter around. But 2021/22 are ‘collision’ years with tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Saturn midpoint so he won’t escape unscathed.  Gordon Gekko lives on despite the crash.

One thought on “Neil Woodford – another Venus Mars + Neptune

  1. Venus/Neptune can be self-undoing when it comes to money. I knew someone who had Venus/Mars in Leo square Neptune in Scorpio. The Mars was in opposition to Moon in Aquarius and the opposition fell across the 2nd/8th house polarity. Huge issues with money but with the ability to get others to fork out when she had no means of paying bills. Money, when it did come in, just leaked away fairly quickly. Relationships with men who she rescued, who had either drug problems or money problems or both. Simultaneously entitled and envious of anyone she perceived as wealthier, though she came from a very comfortably off family.

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