Elon Musk’s first self-funded private spaceflight civilian mission to fly a six day trip to the Moon and (hopefully) back, scheduled tentatively for 2023, has had all eight crew member seats bought by Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa. He’s now in process of interviewing applicants. In future Musk hopes to add Mars to the destination list.
Maezawa, 22 November 1975, is a determined Sun Mercury in late Scorpio; with a pushily confident Jupiter in pro-active Aries opposition Pluto Venus; and Saturn in wannabe-important Leo. His Uranus is square Saturn and trine Mars so he will be keen on experimental projects and appreciate an adrenaline-rush. His background is art and online fashion retail and he is estimated to be worth $2 billion.
Quite what draws him to this lunar folly isn’t clear through his Mercury in Scorpio is on a degree that seems Moon-connected of which more anon. His astrology isn’t looking too crisp towards 2023 with his Pluto in a blocked conjunction to his Sun and tr Pluto inconjunct his Mars in 2023/24 which looks high-risk, logjammed and frustrated.
Musk, 28 June 1971, was born at the start of the decade after the first Moon landings which may have inspired him and his mad-genius inventor brain no doubt latched onto an exciting project. He’s certainly on all-systems go in 2022/23 with tr Pluto sextile his Jupiter and square his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint; though he’ll run into major setbacks and accidents in 2022 with tr Saturn square his Mars in Aquarius with frustrations running into 2023; and disappointments from tr Neptune opposition his Pluto in 2023/24 and insecurity as well as disruptions from tr Uranus square his Mars in 2023. But he appears to live his life at such a pitch of hyper-nerviness with so many strings to his bow it’s impossible to say which will be affected.
What is marginally intriguing astrologically speaking is that the first uncrewed landing on the Moon on 13 September 1959 and the first Apollo (Aldrin/Armstrong) landing 20 July 1969, have Jupiter and Neptune respectively at almost the same degree of late Scorpio – Musk has his Jupiter there as well (conjunct his Solar Arc Uranus this year). And it’s also where Maezawa’s Mercury in Scorpio sits.
Not sure if 25 or 26 degrees Scorpio have a great significance but is intriguing.
Thanks for intriguing input on this degree from
Maggy: Elias Lonsdales degree specifications on 26 degree Scorpio.
“Bearing within you something vast, wild and true. Your instincts given over to this seed. What can be, must be, impels sacrifice and renunciation. Being held in the grip of vast primordial forces. Taken over by depths that forge new worlds into being. Stunned into submission. Unconsciously obsessed with something that lives within you and cannot be forgotten, supercharged with energy, in tune with Earth’s cycles. Everything happening in a magnified and hypnotic atmosphere. The hidden worlds take charge, individuality is eclipsed and the surge of power dominates consciousness and life by its intensity and ruthless current right through the body, and there’s nothing to say about it.’
Jane: 25 Scorpio falls in the constellation Hercules, with Marsik at 25 Scorpio. Manilius said about “Hercules” in the 1st century AD: “….will inspire him with enthusiasm for risky callings, with danger the price, for which he will sell his talents: daring narrow steps on a path without thickness, he will plant firm feet on a horizontal tightrope; then, as he attempts an upward route to heaven, (on a sloping tightrope) he will all but lose his footing and, suspended in mid-air, he will keep a multitude in suspense upon himself” [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century, AD, p.353.
Emma: PHASE 236 (SCORPIO 26°): AMERICAN INDIANS MAKING CAMP AFTER MOVING INTO A NEW TERRITORY. KEYNOTE: The ability to adjust swiftly to a new situation by tuning in to its requirements.
Elon Musk see previous post August 18 2018.
Maggie Cassin ( sorry I do not know how to do a reply to you) thanks for mentioning Elias Lonsdale’s interpretations, I did not know about them. They certainly feel more positive than some of the Sabian symbols which I am more familiar with, my sun degree usually gets a bad press!
If it hadn’t been for Star Trek’s communicators we wouldn’t have mobile phone technology. Though evidently Hedy Lamar helped pave the way as well : go figure! If mankind is to ever make any more giant steps , then the moon is key to that.
Not all the world’s problems would be improved by stopping space exploration. NASA ended its manned space program in 1979. Wars haven’t stopped, human rights have been pretty much ignored unless of the woke kind. Pestilence and disease still abound. Floods, drought, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis and the dreadful human cost to life hasn’t improved because man has stopped going to the moon. And as for Elon Musk, I wish him the best of luck!
Very interesting about the degrees. Recently bought Charles C O Carter’s book on degrees.
Maggy, Jane, Emma – thanks for your degree number input which is fascinating. I’ve added it to the end for ease of finding later.-
It’s fantastic that those little boys who fell in love with Star Trek, sci-fi and space travel, have the desire, the means and the imagination to explore.
Astronomical (!) sums of money are involved, geed on by the passions of these well heeled nerds.
Of course, self interest is covered by the possibility of huge commercial gains and increased personal power.
Construction of the infrastructure to colonise space, plus the installation of global internet networks are the least of it. Think of all those new customers! Amazon deliveries to the Gobi desert!
From the sublime to the banal.
Of course too, there’s masses to improve on earth, but the one doesn’t negate the other. There will always be masses to do on earth and if we waited until it was done, we would never do anything.
The earth is a wonderful place, but it’s not the only place, though it’s a bit daunting to think of space being filled with all that hardware whizzing around. Sort of destroys the mystery.
Still, we broke that spell by landing on the moon, but created another in doing so.
Marjorie, do you know Elias Lonsdales degree specifications? This one perfectly fits the situation 26 deg Scorpio. It often illuminates something in a chart you can’t quite grasp….
“Bearing within you something vast, wild and true. Your instincts given over to this seed. What can be, must be, impels sacrifice and renunciation. Being held in the grip of vast primordial forces (!!). Taken over by depths that forge new worlds into being. Stunned into submission. Unconsciously obsessed with something that lives within you and cannot be forgotten, supercharged with energy, in tune with Earth’s cycles. Everything happening in a magnified and hypnotic atmosphere. The hidden worlds take charge, individuality is eclipsed and the surge of power dominates consciousness and life by its intensity and ruthless current right through the body, and there’s nothing to say about it!
Having an Aquarius ASC, and being a traveler, I used to wish I could travel to see the stars as easily as in Star Trek. But recent, more ‘realistic’ movies and TV series have brought me back to earth (one of those occasionally impractical Virgos), as I realize that, even if that we had the technology to overcome limitations such as the speed of light (and our own mortality), our physiology is finely adapted to the Earth. We couldn’t live (or travel) easily with anything more or less than its gravity. We take air and water for granted, something that doesn’t exist in such form or quantities in our solar system. The ethereal beauty of other worlds will never quite make up for those right here, nor the richness of life (unless they too have forms of life, in which case, more likely than not, we won’t do very well, see COVID & other deadly viruses). Most of all, it would feel like a lonely, constrained existence, even if, as Musk dreams, thousands or millions of humans settled on Mars. Speaking of which, his Mars in Aquarius somehow seems fitting …
“Yusaku Maezawa. He’s now in process of interviewing applicants.”
Why do I feel **Tempted** to apply…?
It’s intriguing to see that 25 Scorpio falls in the constellation Hercules, with Marsik at 25 Scorpio. Here is what Manilius said about “Hercules” in the 1st century AD – I think it’s quite descriptive of the risks, and also the possible motivation:
“….will inspire him with enthusiasm for risky callings, with danger the price, for which he will sell his talents: daring narrow steps on a path without thickness, he will plant firm feet on a horizontal tightrope; then, as he attempts an upward route to heaven, (on a sloping tightrope) he will all but lose his footing and, suspended in mid-air, he will keep a multitude in suspense upon himself” [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century, AD, p.353.will inspire him with enthusiasm for risky callings, with danger the price, for which he will sell his talents: daring narrow steps on a path without thickness, he will plant firm feet on a horizontal tightrope; then, as he attempts an upward route to heaven, (on a sloping tightrope) he will all but lose his footing and, suspended in mid-air, he will keep a multitude in suspense upon himself”
[Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century, AD, p.353.]
Sorry, don’t know why the quote printed itself twice here!
For what it’s worth i looked up the sabian symbol for 26 Scorpio and it is:
PHASE 236 (SCORPIO 26°): AMERICAN INDIANS MAKING CAMP AFTER MOVINGINTO A NEW TERRITORY. KEYNOTE: The ability to adjust swiftly to a new situation by tuning in to its requirements.
Marjorie – am I misunderstanding? You’ve put the first moon landing as 20 August 69, it was July.
Elon Musk’s secondary progressed chart is closing in on my natal birth chart. As a child, I can remember wanting to go into space and being fascinated by stars/astronomy. These days, I’m not sure I’d go even if commercial space flight became as simple as getting on a bus.
How intriguing!! The only Earth I have in my chart is Pluto at 0 deg. Virgo in the 8th. Lots of Fire, grand trine in Air and a Water Sun… Cancer.
I watched the Moon landing with my father and was absolutely captured by it.
I remember drawing a picture of a little me in a little capsule heading back to Earth.
For most of my life, if you had offered me a chance to go up in space I would have snapped it up!!
The magic and beauty of the planets, the stars, galaxies… of space….. fills me with awe.
In a way.. I want to be THERE.. and not HERE!!
I love, love being up high, perched on mountain edges or a 35 ft. cross bar on a 105 foot mast.
I used to fly gliders… planes without engines.
However… now that I am a woman in my early 60’s… I am much more grounded.
If I had all that money…. it would definitely be directed towards issues on the Planet.
I do understand that call to Space, though!!
bye for now,
If I had all the money in the world, going to the moon would be last on my list. I find the idea of ACTUALLY doing it terrifying. My Virgo Sun/Cancer Moon of worrying would go into overdrive! Plus, if you’ll excuse me raining on their parade, I never understand these guys who are so financially wedged to the crack, who want to throw money away and point their phallic space objects to the sky. Planet earth down here is screaming for help. That’s where my money would go. Starting with the oceans, if I could. Since I’m poor though, I’ll just have to do my bit and throw my plastic bottles in the recycling bin. Although, where they go, doesn’t fill my heart with positivity.
Ditto on the feeling sick at the whole idea. My Virgo feet prefer old mother earth. Outer space only marginally more nightmare-inducing than submarines.
My earthy chart means I cannot even go up ladders without getting vertigo and looking over the bannister brings on a sick feeling. I too am tired of Musk of waving his Space X rockets around and blowing stuff up.
We’ve got Jeff Bezos now climbing into the space race. I’m sick of all this willy-waving when our own planet is in dire need of some long-overdue nurturing and healing. I’m so deeply underwhelmed by these kind of guys who are constantly put in the same pedestal as billionaires. It’s just offensive. Sour cow that I am!
In my life I have had a few space ‘dreams’ and they turn out to be horrific nightmares. I’m leaving earth to go into this vast, endless, frightening black void, it’s frigid cold, with the alien unknown creeping behind planets, never mind on them. It’s just awful. Give me sea, grass, sky, trees, birds, and wildlife. Heck, just give me a hedgerow full of birds outside my window than going to space. Unless there is an asteroid threatening life on earth, I find it all an absolute waste of money and priorities. Get things right here first before venturing out among the stars. I imagine my views would go down very well at a Tesla interview, wouldn’t they? 🙂
Jo – it’s about natural resources as much as anything. With the earth becoming depleted of elements like titanium, cobalt, lithium; the moon and mars may well present a supply that can keep capitalism going without having to reign itself in.
I don’t think anyone can lay claim to the moon, it’s written into International Treaty. But it’s fair clear that like the gold rushes of the past, mining rights would be apportioned and sold. Who gets the money for that I’m not sure.
Getting there first is usually the easiest way to set up a monopoly and limit the options of competitors. Even if it’s just controlling the space transport to/from the moon and having the power to chare extortionate fees.
I’m sure that’s the driver for Bezos. Maybe for Musk as well, but I think it’s more of a boy’s toys thing for him.
Interesting, Virgoflake, I have no earth at all, but the thought of space is absolutely terrifyingly the same as yours!
I loved Star Trek as a kid, but part of the appeal of the show for me was the courage that it took to brave the possibility that they might be lost for eternity in a cold dark unending universe.