Elon Musk, top of the global Midas list at $220 billion has flatly denied having an affair with the wife of Google co-founder, Sergey Brin, who is down at No 8. The pair are old friends and Brin lent Musk $500 million to prop up Tesla in the early days. According to friends (WSJ) Brin filed for divorce in January, weeks after he learned of the brief alleged affair. His about-to-be-ex-wife, a former yoga instructor, is reportedly seeking $1 billion from the split, a fraction of his $95 billion fortune. Brin apparently has sold his personal stake in Musk’s companies.
Musk is having quite a year what with the Twitter spat, welcoming a second child with his girlfriend in March; and before that twins with an executive at one of his companies last November. He now has nine children.
Allegations and firm denials – the astrology won’t prove it one way or the other. But what it does flag up in neon lights in Musk/Brin’s relationship is an almighty struggle for the upper hand. Musk may have crashed at the Brin pad in the early years but there is considerable underlying hostility between them. Musk’s Cancer Sun is conjunct Brin’s Saturn South Node so he will stir up Brin’s vulnerabilities and hit him on a raw spot. Musk’s Saturn also opposes Brin’s Neptune and maybe Moon for a downer as well.
But it is the relationship chart which is an eye opener with a do-or-die-determined power-struggling composite Mars opposition Pluto square Jupiter. Pluto square Jupiter can move mountains if a couple pull together but once they separate down their own individual paths, it becomes a tussle for the upper hand – and a battle to see who can come out on top.
Their composite Venus will catch the August 1 transiting Mars Uranus North Node square exactly which may rattle a few heart strings. And their relationship will go from bad to worse over the next three/four years with tr Pluto tugging at one leg of the Mars Pluto Jupiter T Square and then an undermining tr Neptune conjunct the Mars and in hard aspect to Jupiter and Pluto in 2025/26. There won’t be much in the way of good feeling left after that.
Life up their in the mythological heights is a gift to keep us entertained.