Morocco – the façade of change but not the reality

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Morocco sidestepped the uprisings of the Arab Spring with promises of democratic reform and a new constitution. But the sense is that nothing has changed, if anything it is more repressive. Unemployment is around 10 percent, youth double that at 20 percent, and almost 40% in urban areas. The government responded to recent street demos by stifling free speech and press freedoms and using its security services to prevent a new protest movement from gaining steam. There have been a series of high-profile arrests of journalists and human rights activists.

Morocco 28 May 1956 11am Rabat, has a very Fixed and fairly ruthless chart with a flamboyant Jupiter Pluto on the Leo Ascendant opposition Mars square a 4th house Saturn in Scorpio – so resistant to change, looks glitzy from its image but very restrictive as far as the population goes.

There will be more rumblings of discontent from May of this year onwards with tr Uranus trine the Morocco Pluto. Even before then tr Pluto will start to conjunct the M Capricorn Moon from March 2017 for two years which is mutinous with intense feelings and power struggles emerging. It continues at high stress levels through 2018 with tr Uranus opposition Neptune and square Uranus. But it is really 2019 to 2021 which are the game-changing years with a series of devastating, panicky and jolting Solar Arcs.

King Mohammed succeeded to the throne on 23 July 1999 when there was a military/ruthless Mars in Scorpio opposition Saturn in Taurus square Uranus in place, so it is a reign that was always going to be fraught. That chart has been under heavy pressure in 2015/16 with tr Pluto trine the Saturn. 2016/17’s Solar Eclipses in Virgo/Pisces have been in hard aspect to the Pluto so creating/accompanying a crisis of power. His rule will be increasingly unpopular in 2018/19; hitting a major roadblock by 2019.

King Mohammed’s personal chart, 21 Aug 1963, has also been suffering under the 2016/17 Eclipses as they hit on his Pluto Uranus in Virgo. He’ll be overly confident in 2017/18, riding roughshod over niceties as tr Pluto squares his Jupiter. And running into very high-risk situations and significant setbacks in 2021.

So it looks as if it is escalating towards a considerable drama in about three/four years, with discontent mounting before then.

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