The money men are stirring the political pot pre-election with Elon Musk drenching Trump and potential voters with hard cash, Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos causing ructions banning a Harris endorsement; and Murdoch as usual rolling over to assist Trump’s chances.
Elon Musk, 28 June 1971 7.30am (unverified) Pretoria, South Africa, is certainly in the eye of the celestial storm of the moment with his Uranus in Libra catching the recent Solar Eclipse and next March’s by opposition; plus his Pluto in late Virgo being rattled up by the recent September Lunar Eclipse and early and late eclipses in 2025. How that will play out is anyone’s guess with an eclipsed Uranus hinting that a radical change of outlook is required; with much the same for an eclipsed Pluto – transform or stagnate. He also has tr Uranus moving to hard aspect his Jupiter Neptune opposition Saturn from spring 2023 on into 2026 which will be an exceptionally rocky ride and dent a few of his high hopes. Running into a dead-halt meltdown by 2026/27 from SA Pluto square his Mars.
His relationship chart with Trump looks extremely uncertain and undermined now right through till early 2026 with tr Neptune square the composite Sun Saturn conjunction. Late December to mid March 2025 looks especially jangled.
Musk’s time of birth is uncertain as is Putin’s birth date; though if the Putin 1952 date is sound then there may be successful associations between them from this November through till 2026.
Jeff Bezos, 12 January 1964, has alarmed Washington Post staffers and some board members by issuing an edict against supporting Harris in the election the first time in 30 years the paper has not stood behind the Democratic candidate. The billionaire LA Times owner has done the same saying he does not wish to widen the divide out in society and that readers should decide for themselves.
[A dispassionate media would be a fine thing but in the present climate it hardly stands up to scrutiny as an excuse.]
Bezos, 12 January 1964, is looking hemmed in and frustrated throughout November with tr Pluto conjunct his Mars for the final time. And none too happy or popular through January 2025. He does have a Jupiterian yod in his chart inconjunct Uranus Pluto sextile Neptune which is being triggered by the recent Libra Eclipse and the next March Aries Eclipse – so his tendency to trip himself up from over confidence may be on show. His 2026/27 look devastatingly confused and disappointed with losses in various quarters.
His relationship chart with Trump has a veneer of enthusiasm covering over an aggravated and resentful composite Saturn Venus opposition Mars. Not a match made in heaven.
Bezos’ relationship with the Washington Post hints at more tempests, tensions and disappointments to come because of his autocratic behaviour over the next three years or more. The WPost, 6 December 1877, is panicked and disillusioned at the moment till February 2025 with tr Neptune conjunct the Mars; and mightily jangled through late this November to late December with tr Uranus conjunct the Pluto; and emotionally overwrought through January 2025.
** A minor thought vis a vis the UK Government’s incomprehensible decision to allow/encourage Labour activists to assist the Harris campaign which was (yet another) tone deaf and politically inept decision. The relationship chart between Starmer and Trump is under a dark cloud till late this November with tr Pluto square the composite Saturn; in turmoil through December and in a bad-tempered stand-off through January, repeating later in 2025 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Sun Mars conjunction.
“Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison’d entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Swelter’d venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i’ the charmed pot.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and owlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.”
Reading all these I just wish you could raise a chart for the Koch brothers, they and their minions are the origin of the cancer engulfing the system Syed was talking about. Wish also journalists as Mrs. Mayer would write about all the dark money we’ve been swimming into all our lives.
From Wikipedia,
David Koch – May 3, 1940 in Wichita, Kansas
Charkes Koch – November 1, 1935 also in Wichita, Kansas
David Koch died five years ago. He is irrelevant to this election. His brother Charles was always the evil one. He is solely motivated by money and the power it conveys. Pluto in human form. He is the prime mover for dark money for ultraconservative causes. This is well documented. All the latest Trump blatherings is manna for Koch. No income taxes. No environmental regulations. Punishing political dissent. Nuff said
Charles Koch is older and quieter than he was, but still has plenty of dark money in this campaign. His main Political Action Committee, Americans for Prosperity Action, continues to fund Republican candidates in a battle for control of Congress. He isn’t much of a Trump fan, but like other billionaires like Bezos and Musk, still sees him as more favorable to his own interests.
Charles Koch, Moon and Mars in Capricorn, Pluto 27 Cancer, SN 16 Cancer rattled by the Mars-Pluto opp in play these days up to February, transiting Uranus on Algol opp his natal Jupiter 28 Scorpio trine natal Pluto conjunct transiting Mars – rich people never lose, as Warren Buffet said. If Trump was born with a teflon coating, this guy is tungsten. Maybe the conjunction in Aries is going to stop him on his tracks.
Well, all I can say is that the tailend of Pluto in Capricorn is busting the myth of the
richest business people being smart and savvy.
Musk really wasn’t a surprise. He has said amazingly stupid things and even done stupid things business wise for years. People likely have given him more credit than they should after his autism confession. It has been painfully obvious he has grave difficulties in understanding human motivations. But people have, due to a romanticized view on autism, assumed that at least he must be knowledgeable on his “special interest” subject. That might be true, but from some of my conversations with highly intelligent people who have never hidden “being on the spectrum”, I’ve learned they often have difficulties in applying that knowledge especially in long term strategic planning. It seems to be Musk’s handicap, too.
But I honestly thought Jeff Bezos was smarter than he has turned out to be. Taking frenzied calls with potentially losing candidate who notoriously hates “needy” people 10 days from the election to guarantee a Government contract, as well as wrecking the reputation of a publication that has historically employed some of the smartest, but also vainest, investigative reporters feels panicky.
As much as I hate what Rupert Murdoch has done to media and politics, I also have to say he would NEVER made kind of rookie mistakes these two have. I also realize he is genuinely ancient, but feel he is much more in control than these two. He attended RNC, and reportedly didn’t like Trump’s VP decision. He wanted Burgum, but obviously Burgum came across as too much of his own person for Trump to ever consider him. He has kept quiet ever since, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he was already ready helping people to purge the party of MAGA once Trump’s demise is inevitable.
Interestingly, yesterday it came out — in the Washington Post, of course — that Musk was working illegally in the US when he started his businesses. But, as they say here in the US about illegalities, IOKIYAR — it’s okay if you’re a Republican. A Democrat doing the same would cause an uproar.
I’m so torn about cancelling our newspaper subscriptions. We probably won’t, since we’re both news junkies and we need a good source for news, in addition to The Guardian.
I suggest the Financial Times. While it obviously focuses on financial news, it is owned by a Japanese firm, Nikkei, and its fairly neutral in its news coverage, though its editorial stance leans slightly left (at least in my view) under the current editor, Roula Khalaf.
I have a subscription to it through my workplace, though I am limited to nine articles a month.
But it is definitely a subscription worth having and one I would endorse.
Have you looked at Ground News? Loads of ads for it on my Youtube, but I haven’t heard an independent review of it. If you have, I’d love to have your thoughts.
Nicole, it has been written that BOTH Drompf’s parents had entered the US illegally. This is not a last minute gasp but a log-known fact.
Matthew Syed in today’s Sunday Times has a savagely insightful piece.
“The fantasy land known as Washington DC, a city with monuments to some of the finest statesmen in history that now plays host to a political class living in a dream world. Commentators here sagely contrast the Trump and Harris manifestos without seeming to notice that these candidates peddle the same delusion.”
“I’d agree with those who say that Trump (with his contempt for rules and norms) represents the greater immediate threat to the nation, but what has become clear to me is that both main parties are corrupt and parasitical. They are also comically oblivious to it. Indeed, so hysterically eager are they to point to the speck in the eye of the other side that they can’t see the log in their own. “
“The American experiment is still alive and kicking, but there is a cancer in Washington that is out of control and may soon threaten to kill the host — whoever wins on Tuesday week.”
I cannot agree that Republicans and Democrats, under their present leadership, are morally equivalent. That is a darker European view of human nature. North Americans, including Canadians such as myself, mostly retain a more optimistic view of history even if we are obviously going through a very dark time.
@André, I agree with you. I especially think commentators such as Matthew Syed, coming from an Academic European background might miss issues where Democrats are picking up in the US, such as women’s healthcare. Michelle Obama gave a rousing speech yesterday in Kalamazoo, and included an argument on how decisions on women’s healthcare continue to be made by men who have no idea of what women go through. This is resonating widely, and I think there are actually more “shy Harris voters” among generally conservative women polls show, because just having someone in politics acknowledge menopause is fresh and new.
Our problem in the US is that we need 1 or 2 more viable political parties. There’s a blindness to believers in the Democratic Party that is very similar to the followers of Trump. An example is on this thread — the criticism of Elon Musk for using ketamine while many Democrats are calling for the legalization of ketamine, other psychedelics and all drugs. Psychedelics have been legalized in some western states. (Thankfully, Newsom vetoes it whenever it passes in the state legislature.) When you legalize drugs, you promote them. People will move into those states so they can freely use drugs, thus creating open air drug sites. I hear that San Franciscans are fed up and taking some action to clean up.
Wow what a weird take.
No Democrat is under the illusion that the Democratic party is perfect.
The problem is that the Republican Party is batshit crazy and gets more unhinged with each election cycle.
Republican voters had a large pool of candidates to choose from during their primary but choose Trump for a third time just to stick it to the libs.
Since so many states are putting recreational weed on the ballot I don’t think people are moving just so they can do drugs.
Roderick — I was referring to people like the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi; he came from Canada years ago and his actions are a result of long-term policy. Oregon voted to legalize all drugs in 2020, and it caused so many problems that the legislature is trying to undo the act. I follow some Substack writers from the Pacific Northwest who were formerly progressives but are disillusioned with the party. Dick Cheney is not the only important neo-con to join the Democrats. Bill Kristol supports Kamala, too. I wonder if they want control of foreign policy for Harris. Strange things happening. Agree it’s crazy that Republicans chose Trump for the 3rd time, but the Dems stirred much anger by not giving Robert Kennedy a chance to be in primaries.
Not all Dems want this. Democrats are a big tent party with diversity of opinion (look at rebellious Michigan faction probably going to throw election). A lot of what news coverage calls “Democrat” is actually the progressive faction wing which is very loud, very vocal and very small, but gets a lot of coverage as they have “Glamour”. Solid middle of the road Democrats get less coverage.
Musk’s chart doesn’t seem to suggest a Trump win. The likelyhood is him being arrested in early 2025 when the full extent of his election interference becomes known. You can see it on his charts. If we use Musk as a base then it tells us who wins the election
I fully agree with you, I won’t be surprised even if he is deported back to his home country of South Africa. There are a lot of secrets that are going to be revealed about him from now, he is probably bribing election officials to turn things in Trump’s favour, it’s going to blow on his face, he likes criticising immigrants forgetting he is also an immigrant and probably an illegal one. If Trump loses this election as things are looking now, he is also going down. I feel pity for him, all people who have done Trump’s dirty work are down and out today.
I doubt if Musk will be outright deported from the US, but he could certainly be prosecuted and pay a very real and steep financial price for his unethical if not criminal behavior, something that becomes more likely once Pluto leaves Capricorn for good and the Plutonian “protection” factor comes off elites and billionaires like him.
If Harris becomes President, her Department of Justice might not only prosecute him, but could pursue revocation of his government contracts, including SpaceX and Starlink. His ties to Putin are also likely to come under withering scrutiny.
I don’t feel any pity for him, whatsoever. He’s an arrogant and smug narcissist, just like Trump. Maybe a bit smarter, but his overreach in the belief that he can do damn near anything he wants and get away with it is increasingly evident.
@ Thomas.
It could mean that Trump does win and doesn’t give Musk the position in his administration that he promised.
Everyone knows that Trump’s uses people and then dumps them.
Bezos and Musk made me think about all of the ultra-wealthy Republicans running for the U.S. Senate in Montana, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania against Democratic incumbents and those races are basically tied.
I guess this is the last desperate gasp of the plutocracy for Pluto in Capricorn, but it does distress me that Pluto doesn’t re-enter Aquarius until after Election Day. *sigh*
Pluto in Capricorn is too much maligned. It did give us Obama, Biden and now Kamala. The election on November 5 is its parting gift as we enter an Aquarian era. I have noticed that Trump’s legal woes intensified in the brief periods that Pluto has entered Aquarius so far. Pluto now staying in Aquarius will see the end of him, will bring a few billionaires to heel and will be great for women’s rights. Of course, it will bring other problems. The Washington Post story is really about Bezos caring most of all about Blue Origin, his space venture that needs federal contracts. Billionaires in space will be a major theme under Pluto in Aquarius.
Yes, Pluto in Capricorn did give us Obama but he inherited a crap sandwich in the form if the Grear Recession and Republican partisanship only intensified under him.
You say that if Harris is elected she will be face numerous challenges.
I just realized that the mascot for her sorority is Altas and it does sound as if she will be carrying the weight of the world on her back.
Billionaires in space, Andre? This was evident with Pluto in Capricorn, but it would seem that Pluto in Aquarius would bring more widespread commercial access to space for the masses, not just deep-pocketed billionaires.
Granted, there’s not much to do up there at the moment, but it would seem that we are due for some significant advances in technology that could include safer and more affordable space travel, as well as colonies on the Moon and Mars. Somehow, I don’t think it will be Elon Musk leading that charge.
Feels like a renewed “space race” could be in the works, but perhaps as a more globalized effort than a competition between nations as was the case in the 1960s? Maybe that’s just wishful thinking at this point as the world seems closer to global conflict than unity.
Roderick and Andre – it will be interesting to see how Pluto manifests in Aquarius. I was thinking that since Saturn is Pluto’s father in myth, Pluto will partly remain in his ‘father’s’ kingdom since Saturn is also the co-ruler of Aquarius. Pluto was also the god of hidden or buried wealth and all the treasures of the Earth, such as gold, minerals, and precious stones. Searching, or mining for these things may eventually take place on the Moon, and perhaps other planets. Mining on the Moon is already being considered.
Pluto was once thought of as the Jupiter (his brother) of the Earth, notably in the Orphic Mysteries. So perhaps Pluto was very comfortable in Capricorn, and will take a while to adjust in airy, yet Saturnian, Aquarius?
Here’s an Orphic Hymn to Pluto, who may appreciate it (!) since he never had his own festival in Classical times:
PLUTO, magnanimous, whose realms profound
Are fix’d beneath the firm and solid ground,
In the Tartarian plains remote from fight,
And wrapt forever in the depths of night;
Terrestrial Jove, thy sacred ear incline,
And, pleas’d, accept thy mystic’s hymn divine.
Earth’s keys to thee, illustrious king belong,
Its secret gates unlocking, deep and strong.
’Tis thine, abundant annual fruits to bear,
For needy mortals are thy constant care
Hi Marjorie. Has there been a post about Amazon and the future of the company? I’m canceling my Amazon Prime account which I think will hurt him more than the loss of WAPO subs. Although, he has soo much money -he probably won’t care. Thank you.
Edited to reflect —not just about my account!! I meant all folks canceling Amazon. Millions would most likely need to cancel for it to have any kind of impact. Cheers!
Hi Marjorie, Is this a manifestation of Jupiter’s transit through Gemini? If so, would you be willing to look at other current events that reflect this dynamic? Are student protests re: Gaza and/or who/what is being written about Gaza within the media also representative of this transit? Or some of the concerns around international laws being undermined or ignored? I’m really guessing here….. Also, are there any positive current events that reflect a more beneficial side to this energy?
Marjorie.. that Shakespeare quote is perfect.
Marjorie, that is a great quote from Macbeth but the play ends with the defeat of evil.
Who cares who wins , the democrats and republicans are equally clueless
whom do you recommend?
To me the clueless ones are the ones that are willing to give up agency over their body because of some reason? Also the states that didn’t take the Medicaid expansion are the ones that have the higher premiums for insurance, but the states that took the Medicaid expansion with the tax credits are enjoying having health coverage and insurance, which Trump has promised to eliminate. So who’s the clueless one?
@Jackie, are you actually serious? If you are, I am scared. How is it possible, that humankind never learns from history?https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/10/trump-authoritarian-rhetoric-hitler-mussolini/680296/
Hi Nicole: I’m a graduate of San Diego State University. Went to junior high and high school in Fallbrook (I’m sure you know where that is.) I lived in La Mesa during and after college. Family circumstances ultimately led me to my current home of many years–Savannah, GA, which–thankfully–is relatively “blue.” There’s much that I miss about the San Diego area, not least its progressive mindset and blissful weather. Your posts always spark fond memories of my southern California years!
I hope the investigations into Elon Musk bear much fruit; he deserves a healthy stint in a federal prison, followed by being stripped of his citizenship and summarily deported to South Africa. Many have suffered a similar punishment for much less than vote buying, attempting to tilt a presidential election, AND colluding with (and undoubtedly selling state secrets to) a dangerous foreign adversary. Upsetting as all this is, I am glad that Elon Musk is finally being unmasked as the global pestilence he is.
Jeff Bezos is a coward. It’s been reported that his Blue Origin minions met with Trump on the very day Bezos spiked the Harris endorsement. What he’s doing seems not to be illegal, “merely” unethical and immoral. There doesn’t seem much to be done about him, this side of karma, but surely public shunning isn’t too much to ask? As one of the thousands who have canceled their WaPo subscriptions, I can only hope.
I hadn’t heard that bit about Labour people being pledged to help the Harris campaign; if it’s true, it’s very odd, and probably highly illegal and unworkable, since it sounds very much like foreign election interference. I doubt it would matter to Trump as much as you think, though; he doesn’t pay attention to alliances anyway, and at this point is so addled he likely doesn’t know the difference between England and Estonia.
All the speculation I’m seeing presupposes that Trump will win. I don’t think he will; we’re seeing a lot of “red mirage” activity in the polls, but early vote and GOTV efforts all favor Harris. Don’t lose hope. And of course the Trumpies will try to steal what they never earned; this time, however, the rest of the country (and especially the Democratic Party) is ready for them. And don’t forget that one Joe Biden is still commander in chief until Jan. 20, 2025. And he now has king-like powers, apparently, if the Supreme Court is to be believed.
Newbie, stick to the blue states, most of which will also be a better bet with respect to climate change. May I suggest Illinois: it’s centrally located, features the wonderful city of Chicago, is fairly affordable, and doesn’t tax retirement income. Plus, as a bonus, Trumpists regard it as anathema! Just stick to the northern half or to a university town.
The Republican Party is no more; it’s now the MAGA party, which will diminish after its messiah, DJT, is no more (and age and ill health will catch up with him soon). MAGA will go the way of the Know Nothings in the mid-1800s, to be replaced by a center-right opposition party formed from sane ex-Republicans such as Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. So the cycle will continue.
We do have free will. We CAN still choose democracy over autocracy, and I believe many will do so. Sorry to sound like a Pollyanna, but somebody has to; all the doom-saying is getting old.
One thing I noticed was those concerned about Labour activists advising her campaign as foreign election interference, especially across most of the media, are curiously silent about a sitting MP and an ex-Prime Minister climbing onstage to actively campaign for Trump.
Hi AI22. I’m in IL and appreciate your post. I was just overseas and when I told people I was from Chicago, I only heard positives from both Italians and Americans (who had visited here) whom I met. It was very heartening and reminded me that it is a world class city and special. Yes-Midwestern friendliness is real and exists here. And yes, we are lucky to have a fresh water source considering climate change. I think Chicago was incorporated during a Pisces period.
Please visit. The city is lovely and I can recommend some restaurants and activities. Please check out the Art Institute. Much cleaner than Rome in general…
I’m heading to Chicago even as I type this!! I’m going to try a Luke’s Italian roast beef sandwich and go to the magnificent library in beautiful Chi -Town, among other fun diversions
Great! Dining recs: Russian Tea Time, Greek Islands, Frontera Grill. The lakeshore is so pretty. Hot tix Chicago for reduced theatre tix. Hope you have a wonderful time!
Thank you. I was pricing houses there this morning. Just in case. 🙂
Please consider northern Cook County and parts of Lake County. Some northern suburbs are known as being part of the North Shore (Wilmette, Glencoe, etc.), close to shore of Lake Michigan. The North Shore was cited in a book which if IRC was titled Power and Force. Author believes this area has positive energy. Beautiful Ba’hai Temple in Wilmette. Wonder what the Astro signature is there.
Thank you
How is the Democratic Party ready for them? I mean, I am not contradicting you, I really am interested.
All the charts do seem to point to Harris winning. I’m going to guess Musk will be arrested and face jail time for bribing voters with the two million incentive he has been running.
It’s interesting to me that Musk’s SA Uranus is conjunct his Neptune given all the news about all the different drugs he uses that are likely wreaking havoc on his brain’s chemistry. Unless he gets clean, I think Pluto hitting his natal Saturn-Neptune conjunct SA Uranus will have something important to say to him.
Andre, I also unsubscribed from WP.
Aah thanks for that. I wondered what effect that might have. Uranus Neptune is a brain-jangler. What drugs is he on?
Ketamine; and there is an argument for ketamine use ( controlled that is) for long term depression and PTSD, but as ever pharma companies fight the research and any money being invested in cheap treatment. Drugs are always affected by what society currently decides is a ‘good’ medical industry backed drug and what is a ‘bad’ drug. No comment on if he is taking too much though.
‘in the eye of the celestial storm of the moment with his Uranus in Libra catching the recent Solar Eclipse and next March’s by opposition; plus his Pluto in late Virgo being rattled up by the recent September Lunar Eclipse’ I know a couple of people born the same year as Bezos and Musk ( 1971) and wonder if it’s a generational issue when outer planets are hit by an eclipse, that affects the whole cohort or if you have to have personal planet aspects to the outer planet to feel its effect.
@Marie, I live a block away from what’s the clubbing hub of Helsinki, and see first hand effects of recreational ketamine on weekly bases, especially during the summer. All I can say is you at least not be riding an electric scooter while under influence. But we’ve also had out apartment buzzer and front door smashed several times last summer. Turns out, there was a person renting their apartment through Air B’n’B to clubbers, which is totally against the building rules. Some people high on ketamine couldn’t get in with the key due to their distorted sense of space, and smashed the door. They ended up hurting themselves in the process. Someone called the police and ambulance, and needless to say, the “landlords” got evicted.
So, can’t really think why someone would take that drug “for fun”.
Per the WSJ January 6, 2024 below
“Elon Musk Has Used Illegal Drugs, Worrying Leaders at Tesla and SpaceX
Some executives and board members fear the billionaire’s use of drugs—including LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, mushrooms and ketamine—could harm his companies”
Andre, any thoughts on what safe areas a girl can move to in the USA? This is sad. Not ready to say I am leaving or he is winning. Gaming it out. Thinking if Harris does win (hopeful) we are still going to have a mess on our hands. Former slave states always have been authoritarian – only recently came out of it in the 60’s/70’s modernization and investment that occurred. They are reverting back to old patterns.
Elon Musk it surfaced yesterday by the WSJ that he has been on the phone multiple times with Putin. Additional reports state he has been threatened by the Kremlin – with all those kids and all those baby mamas running around could be partially what is going on. He launches our satellites and our astronauts as Boeing cannot get their act together, so more of a mess. The Intelligence Community and Nasa are now very worried he is in the pocket of the Kremlin, and they are launching investigations.
I expect a mess no matter who wins. Maybe there will be a separation between blue and red states. I have no desire to abandon my country. But, I may make a move to a region where I can be ok. I am not well. I am older now. I keep my mouth shut and almost no internet presence. I appreciate Marjorie’s reporting, and keep tabs on this blog even if I cannot contribute.
@Newbie, come to California, where I live in mild climate coastal San Diego (a 25-year resident and “refugee” from Virginia) — or Oregon or Washington State, which are more affordable and just as progressive. Yes, California has a lot of problems, particularly high housing costs, but we’re doing a lot of things right, too, to protect people’s rights, and a feisty governor, attorney general and legislature eager to take on the fascist Trumplicans and won’t back down. We’re also the sixth largest economy in the world and a vast and diverse state. Don’t believe the Republican talking points about California. So much of the innovation in the US originates in California.
Newbie, I have an American friend who is a talented astrologer. I tell her I am a Canadian waiting and watching anxiously the US election, and wondering why half of our neighbors care so little about democracy, freedom and women’s rights. She tells me the worst part is that families are torn apart. Her own mother voted for Trump in Maine, and he may pick up an electoral vote in that state. Maine is one of only two states, the other being Nebraska, that splits its electoral votes.
The North-East is usually considered safer, but I have just read that Vermont, once idyllic, is now prey to crime, drugs and homelessness. In Montreal, Québec, where I live, crime is clearly growing as in the rest of Canada. There has just been a horrific murder in Ottawa, the Canadian capital. Last month, a French tourist and her 7 year-old daughter died in Montreal in a fire caused by arson. The subway is less safe. Homelessness and mental illness are on the rise. This did not use to happen.
I pray for Kamala Harris. I think she will win but she will then enter a nightmare. She might come to think that she must become an authoritarian dictator herself and have a new Attorney General who will put Elon Musk and Donald Trump in jail under martial law because of the great civil unrest they may cause. We should expect further crimes during the transition.
I am sorry but I cannot tell you where you should go. I am not sure there will any safe haven anywhere. The best you can do is surround yourself with a community of friends and good people you can trust. I wish you well.
A big Thank You to all with their suggestions. I am looking into each and every one. Blessings to you. Fraught times. I have always known it was naive for Americans to assume they would never go through this.
I cancelled my subscription to the Washington Post as did many others. Its star cartoonist, Ann Telnaes, shows an entirely black image today under the caption « Democracy dies in darkness », which is the paper’s logo. I’ll miss her.
The saddest thing about this is it means that MAGA will survive after Trump even if he loses. As James Carville wrote, it will only go into remission. The cancer is too far gone to disappear. The hope of seeing the GOP reverting to democratic principles and the rule of law after Trump is now unrealistic.
The fear of resurgent fascism will remain even if Kamala turns out to be a great President. Jamie Diamond, arguably the most powerful banker in the US, is said to support her privately but will not say so publicly because for the ruling class the profit margin is far more important than personal freedom. He is surely talking to Bezos in a revealing illustration of capitalism at work.
Astrologically, the danger of an American dictatorship appears to be greater in the 2040s. Nixon led to Trump after 50 years and Trump will lead to something worse in only 20.
@ André,
Actually, most astrologers are predicting a more progressive period after the 2030s. I highly doubt fascism will have the influence it’s having right now.
By the 2040s, white Americans (who’ve been the main culprits of this fascism movement) will be a minority here in the U.S. and it will be much harder for them to control this country.
I suppose the loss of control migh drive more while American voters in the 2040s to more extreme politics given many feel fear living as a minority in this country. However, it won’t be enough.
By the way, you mentioned Maine. Maine’s 2nd Congressional District is heavily Republican and did go for Trump twice. However, for the 1 Electoral vote Harris will probably lose in Maine, she will gain 1 Electoral vote in Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District which leans more Democratic now. It’s basically a wash.
As Marjorie posted a while ago we still have to get past the extremely contentious election of 2028 before things calm down
Chris, in 2047-48 the next Uranus-Pluto opposition will take the place right on the US Moon. That is the signature aspect of the French Revolution. It did not hit the US so hard at that time because its own chart was not directly hit. This time, it will be most powerfully. There may be a progressive period between now and then but it will fade. Quasi-fascism has been periodically resurgent in the US since WWI. I would love to be a Polyanna but I am not. A plausible scenario is that in 20 years climate change will bring such severe social disruption that a dictator will be elected and may govern for a few years. I am optimistic in the sense that I see the Uranus-Pluto opposition as a successful attempt to overthrow him. Since that is less than a quarter century away, some of the nefarious actors around Trump may still be around then.
For all who may need it to survive this nerve-wracking week, I leave you Anthony Louis’s always rational voice, weighing in with not one, but two succinct analyses of this election’s stars. Enjoy!
2040’s— Barron Trump will be of age whereby he could run for Prez. Hmm. Trump would be in his 90’s by then. Interesting.