Michelle Wolf – a joke too far



Michelle Wolf, the comedian, caused sharp intakes of breath with her caustic jokes while hosting last night’s White House correspondents dinner. The WP described her performance as ‘a routine that swerved from raunchy to downright nasty.’ One journalist remarked that “the spirit of the event had always been jokes that singe but don’t burn.’ Hers was deemed as mean.

She compared Sarah Huckabee Sanders to an “Uncle Tom” for white women; remarked of Ivanka that ‘she’s about as helpful to women as an empty box of tampons’. Trump she suggested didn’t have the wealth he claimed and began by saying “Like a porn star says when she’s about to have sex with a Trump, let’s get this over with.” “It’s 2018 and I’m a woman so you cannot shut me up. Unless you have Michael Cohen wire me $130,000.”

Others suggested in the Trump era of indecency, with a press office who repeated his lies, the gloves were off. But for all that it hardly followed Michelle Obama’s dictum – when they go low, you go high.

Born 21 June 1985, Wolf is a last degree Gemini or Cancer Sun conjunct Mars opposition Neptune trine Pluto in Scorpio –abrasive, excitable, keen on showbiz with a ruthless edge. Her Venus in Taurus is in a chilly opposition to Saturn in Scorpio square a clearly over-expansive focal point Jupiter in Aquarius. With a flamboyant, attention-seeking Leo Moon.

She’s not on top form at the moment with tr Neptune opposing her Mars/Saturn midpoint, which may explain her tone-deafness about her jokes and also the critical reception she got from other journalists. Tr Saturn is about to retrograde in opposition to her Mars from mid this week which will throw up a setback or two, so there may be a comeback.

Pic: Erin Nekervis

12 thoughts on “Michelle Wolf – a joke too far

  1. The worst joke-gone-too-far incident was the one where a deluded, narcissistic man-toddler was elected POTUS in November 2016.

  2. If I remember correctly it was Trump that called Rosy O’Donnel a PIG and Rush Limbaugh that called than 12 year old Chelsea Clinton a DOG. Trump is daily vulgar and vile as he continues to denigrating women and minorities and endanger all of mankind. He has mocked the handicap and lies with impunity. Everyday the press corps rushes to the White House to be lied to by Sanders like a bunch of abused spouses in a toxic marriage. Good for Michelle Wolf for speaking truth to power even as they clutched their pearls and fained outrage. The press helped elected this dumpster fire to the world and now don’t want to hear about what they did and it’s massive negative effect.

  3. “Wolf’s routine burst the bubbles of civility and performance, and of the separation of media and comedy. It plunged the attendees into the reality that is, in the Trump era, the stuff of comedy. Through her obscene humor, Wolf exposed the obscenity of the fictions—and the fundamental unfunniness of it all. Her last line, the most shocking of her entire monologue, bears repeating: Flint still doesn’t have clean water.”


  4. It was perfect. This White House has no credibility about civility (check out Trump’s simultaneous Michigan speech if you really want to see something offensive).They can dish it out but they sure can’t take it.

    I’d like to see the pathetic DC courtier press get half as worked up about the real scandals all around us. They’re too busy kissing fascist behind while people like Huckabee Sanders call them the enemy of the people. It was a roast – it’s SUPPOSED to be edgy.

  5. This is ridiculous! Kathy Griffith, whose career almost ended with a bad Trump joke (she went to an international standup tour and is making a comeback now), said it the best on Twitter. Michelle Wolf is a comedian, and this was a roast. Not a journalist. She didn’t even fat shame Sarah Huckabee Sanders, just made a remark on her style choices, such as a daytime smokey eye, and this sent people off rail. There seems to be a serious double standard on what a female comedian can say, and what a male comedian can say. A male comedian fat shamed Chris Christie, and that hardly made headlines.

    My personal Libran opinion? Sarah Huckabee Sanders completely writes into the Conservative Republican Stepford Wives meets Gilead mindset. Style choices are not irrelevant here, either. If you look at her, Kellyann Conway, Hope Hicks et al., there’s a very strong theme with Real Housewives estethics all over. Overdone hair, overdone makeup. I love my makeup as much as the next Libran, but that’s why I know their look is one that takes well over an hour, daily, to achieve (days they wash their hair and blowdry, it’s next to three hours). I’ve also heard Trump Admin has a dress code for ladies. What does it tell about the whole situation? You are supposedly the busiest women in the most powerful Government in The World and spend hours of your precious time daily looking pretty. Doesn’t happen with Angela Merkel, who obviously doesn’t give a damn about how she looks or even Libran Theresa May – sensible hair and makeup, but really great accessories.

  6. Trump can handle whatever is thrown at him so she should have thrown whatever she could at him. Sarah is a very capable, intelligent woman in a difficult job. She doesn’t dish out the kind of nastiness about her appearance served to her by a fellow woman who seems to still be at a junior high level. One thing is certain, she won’t be invited back.

  7. I am sure all sides will get over this, they thrive on it, don’t they..otherwise why be in the jobs they have? All could have less public lives.

  8. Michelle’s comments were all truthful. She spoke truth to the powerful; she said they openly lie to us daily; she said Kellyanne Conway has the perfect name, Con..way. I don’t get offended by course language, it does little damage. It is the polite language that is the most damaging and deadilest. Polite language is used to take food, shelter and healthcare from the poor so that the rich can get a big tax cut. Polite language (written in policies) are killing us. A four letter word does no damage, except to those who have selective delicate ears.

  9. Although I agree that last night’s comments were mean and ugly, I can’t hardly believe that any one of the WH staff/Fox News have nerve to complain. President Trump set this new standard of behavior and they support it every single day. Not so nice when one is on the other side of his despicable and disparaging tweets.

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