Micah Johnson – Sun Cancer with fanatical Uranus Neptune

Micah Johnson



Micah Johnson, the army veteran who shot and killed five Dallas police officers in a seeming protest against white people, and was killed himself, was born 2 July 1991.

He was a Sun Cancer opposition a rebellious and highly strung Uranus Neptune conjunction in Capricorn, and trine Pluto. He had a flamboyant and passionate Venus Mars and Jupiter in Leo all in an intense, angry and over-confident square to Pluto in Scorpio. His Pisces Moon may have been in a Water Grand Trine to Sun and Pluto, making him doubly intense and overly emotional.

He had served in Afghanistan but was discharged in confused circumstances after allegations of sexual harassment, with the victim saying he needed help with mental problems.

He’d certainly have been very rattled and confused, not thinking straight,  in recent years with the tr Pluto square tr Uranus in hard aspect to his Sun Uranus Neptune since 2013.  That was coming to an end later this year with tr Pluto conjunct Neptune returning for a final two hits. He also had Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Saturn, probably early in 2016 stoking up his tension levels. Plus a highly frustrating tr Pluto trine his Solar Arc Mars, exact at the moment. The tr Saturn square tr Neptune were also possibly hitting on his Pisces Moon.

So the astrology was coming at him from all sides, rocking his already unstable psyche.

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