Mia Tindall – a royal handful

Mia Tindall


Mia Tindall, Zara and Mike’s two year old daughter and Princess Anne’s granddaughter, has managed to bring a spark of light relief to recent news. She featured in Annie Leibovitz’s photograph of the Queen and younger family members, determinedly holding up the Royal handbag; and has been cavorting boisterously at Badminton where her mother was competing.

Born 17 January 2014 at 1.51am in Gloucester, she has a packed 3rd house with a charming and quite manipulative Venus Pluto in Capricorn opposition a 9th house Jupiter in Cancer square a 12th house Mars in Libra opposition Uranus in the 6th. So with a Cardinal Grand Cross she’s got initiative spilling out, will be restless, go-ahead, opinionated, quite reckless and have a life of revolving crises, many self-created.  She’ll adore excitement.

Her sharp-witted Capricorn Sun is also in the 3rd along with Mercury in Aquarius – so she’ll be intelligent, a good communicator, boosted by a confident Jupiter in the travelling 9th. Mercifully her Sun Venus are sextile Saturn in Scorpio which will slow her down slightly and give her staying power.

Her 9th house Leo Moon is flamboyant, yearns for exotic places. It opposes Mercury squaring onto her Scorpio Ascendant – so she’ll be designed for a public life though she’ll be self-protective and private at the same time.

Her earthy Capricorn planets certainly fit well with her mother’s Taurus Sun and her father’s Taurus Moon as well as Princess Anne’s Virgo Moon.

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