Matt Gaetz – Don Quixote in search of a joust


Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican congressman, rabid pro-Trumper, purveyor of ‘deep state’ conspiracy theories and a bit of a drama queen is in his element tilting at windmills over the impeachment process.

Born 7 May 1982 in Hollywood, FL, with a senator father, he’s a stubborn Sun Taurus with an intense Scorpio Moon and Jupiter. His chart has three oppositions so he’s a fairly see-saw personality. His Mercury in Gemini is in an outspoken opposition to Uranus; his probably Full Moon will have him unsure what he wants at any given time; and his Mars in Libra opposition Venus in Aries squaring onto Neptune in late Sagittarius will be emotionally excitable and insensitive as well as evasive. Plus he has an unyielding Saturn Pluto in Libra. It’s a high-energy chart but without much cohesion.

He’s in for an uphill struggle from late January 2020 with tr Pluto and Saturn opposition his Sun/Mars midpoint, which repeats on and off till late year – final aspect late November and December 2020. That’s trapped and frustrating. Though he’ll have some lucky breaks July to September 2020 with tr Uranus square his Sun/Jupiter midpoint. 2021 looks a definite downer with depressing Solar Arcs and loss-making Pluto transits to a career midpoint.

It’s an odd relationship with Trump since Gaetz’s Neptune sits on Trump’s Full Moon. But even more so the relationship chart has a composite Saturn, Uranus square Sun; and a composite Uranus, Mars, Pluto – and that’s very fractious, power-struggling and unstable a connection. 2020 will see a shift in the dynamic between them with tr Saturn dampening enthusiasm as it squares the composite Jupiter from February onwards, repeating in the run up to the 2020 election. And tr Neptune undermines their joint influence as it opposes the composite Neptune from late January 2020 for a few weeks.

8 thoughts on “Matt Gaetz – Don Quixote in search of a joust

  1. If you google him and google news Marjorie, you will see why this may be due for an update!
    In line with what you’ve predicted.

  2. Matt was born with a silver spoon – his father Don Gaetz co-founded VITAS Hospice, that didn’t stop Matt from a DUI in 2008, as well as 16 speeding tickets between 1999 and 2014. That alone should be a clue – he is one of the entitled. His dad co sold Vitas for $406 million.

    The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

    • Face of the “white priviledge”, if anyone. I love how Congressman Hank Johnson reproached him for hypocricy on bringing up Hunter Biden’s substance abuse, without naming names.

      • Ugh, I hate Matt Gaetz. I live in North Florida; everyone up here is familiar with that babbling idiot. Gaetz represents Florida’s 1st Congressional District – which runs through Pensacola, Escambia County as well as through the heavily White rural Evangelical Okaloosa and Santa Rosa Counties in the Panhandle.

        In other words, I’m not at all surprised that part of the state would elect someone like Gaetz.

        Anyway, I don’t have any delusions of a Democrat possibly ousting Gaetz – because his district is so conservative. However, he could possibly be ousted by another Republican (a slightly more traditional one). There has been talk that Gaetz will be primary challenged a more traditional Republican…so, perhaps the downbeat astrological chart for Gaetz Marjorie is seeing is an indication he could lose his primary challenge next year.

        Chris Romero
        Jacksonville, Florida

        • I too live in Florida – but South Fla. The old guard of DEMS are dying out. Too many gated communities have gone red. The boomers don’t vote like their parents did, they have way too much $$$. Pl/Sat in Capricorn what a treat!

  3. My guess is that his troubles will arise from some sort of Duncan D. Hunter – another legacy representative, although Hunter at least has served – type corruption scandal rather than his Red District suddenly going Blue. Although the Pensacola shooting incident, easily forgotten elsewhere, will definitely be remembered locally. The US Military is, generally speaking voting Republican, but I remember some polls indicating Air Forces were the least Republican of the branches. His Democratic challenger is a retired Navy Commander Phil Ehr, probably the only kind of a Democrat standing any chance at a District thats R22+.

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