Martin Schulz – EU zealot battling with Merkel



Martin Schulz, a German MEP and former President of the European Parliament, an EU hardliner, buddies with Jean-Claude Juncker and pro-more integration is gearing up to challenge Angela Merkel in September’s Election. (Previous post July 8 2016.)

Born 20 Dec 1955, Schulz is a Sun Sagittarius, like Juncker and both have Saturn in obsessive Scorpio. Schulz, if anything, is more intransigent than Juncker since his Sun is trine a powerfully confident Pluto Jupiter, which latter is also square Saturn; and he has vengeful Mars in Scorpio as well.

Schulz’s relationship chart with the EU is locked-together, over-confident and veering towards the fanatical with a composite Saturn square Pluto, Sun square Jupiter and Uranus opposition Venus square Neptune. Tr Saturn is conjunct his Sun in March/April and again in November; and tr Uranus squares his Venus in Capricorn in May and November this year – so it won’t be a heartening or smooth run through campaigning.

On 24 September 2017 for the German election he has an uncertain and confusing tr Neptune square his Sun/Saturn; with tr Pluto exactly conjunct his Solar Arc Mars which is totally blocked. So (without a time) it doesn’t look too hopeful for him.

His relationship with Merkel is high-tension through 2017; and with his Sun conjunct her 1st house Mars he’ll bring out hr competitive spirit.

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