Martin Schulz – another EU zealot

SchulzSchulz Merkel compSchul EU comp


There’s pressure from Angela Merkel’s party for Martin Schulz, a German MEP and President of the European Parliament (EP) to stand down in January, but there’s a feeling he may refuse. He’s another hardliner, buddies with Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, and both pro-more integration. There was criticism from Germany that the UK Brexit vote was a result of the attitudes of EU institution leaders. Getting rid of Schulz it is thought would be a forerunner to removing Juncker as well.  And good luck with that.

Schulz, 20 Dec 1955, is a Sun Sagittarius, like Juncker and both have Saturn in obsessive Scorpio. Schulz, if anything, is more intransigent than Juncker since his Sun is trine a powerfully confident Pluto Jupiter, which latter is also square Saturn; and he has vengeful Mars in Scorpio as well.

His 2nd Term chart, 1 July 2014 launched on the Cardinal Grand Cross of Sun opposition Pluto square Uranus opposition Mars, so was always going to be a high-drama run. There will certainly be a major impasse and some explosive discussions in December, running into 2017.

Schulz’s relationship chart with the EU is locked-together, over-confident and veering towards the fanatical with a composite Saturn square Pluto, Sun square Jupiter and Uranus opposition Venus square Neptune.

His relationship with Merkel is heavy going over the next few months and high-wire through 2017.

One thought on “Martin Schulz – another EU zealot

  1. Thank you so much Marjorie for looking at this man. I’ve been watching him for years and your words certainly fit my impression of him. Very hardline, very intransigent and deeply embedded in the EU. A leading apparatchik who personifies what is wrong there. I am a remainer, still hoping against forlorn hope that we retrieve something from this horrible mess. Still, all this Pluto, Saturn and Uranus stuff seems very fated, so we shall just have to plod on. Onwards and upwards! Thanks.

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