Marjorie Taylor Greene is not only addicted to offensive, over-heated rhetoric but also to a warped Trumpian cum Nazi tactic of turning herself and her ilk into victims. She recently was forced to apologize for suggesting that mask mandates were similar to the Holocaust; and promptly went on to compare medical personnel offering vaccinations to Nazi brownshirts forcing prisoners to undergo experiments.
The House of Representatives which she only joined this January, voted to remove her from all committee roles on February 4, 2021, in response to her incendiary and violent statements. She will run for re-election in 2022.
Born 27 May 1974 in Georgia, USA, she is a Sun Gemini opposition Neptune trine Pluto; with a volatile and over-loaded Mars in excitable Cancer on the point of a T Square to Venus opposition Uranus; and a hard-edged, unyielding Saturn square Pluto. Tr Pluto is still exerting maximum pressure on her Martian T Square being square the Venus and Uranus till the end of this year – so her cat on a hot tin roof performance will keep going for a while.
The December Sagittarius Solar Eclipse will oppose her Sun for a crisis of direction in which she may be forced to rethink her plans. She’s also got a Neptunian failure or two late this year and in general her high hopes won’t be producing results with swampy influences till late 2022.
Her Solar Arc Sun is conjunct her Mars probably mid or later in 2022 which will produce a collision of sorts and is not good news, followed by Solar Arc Neptune in a paralysed, panicky square to her Uranus also in 2022 and then Venus in 2023.
She probably is enamoured of Hitler since his mesmeric Neptune Pluto in Gemini is conjunct her Sun and oddly enough both have Uranus in Libra. The relationship chart has a passionately connected composite Pluto opposition Jupiter square Venus
With Trump, it’s trickier to see where the love comes from with his Saturn conjunct her focal point Mars; though her Sun falls in his 10th and her Leo Moon is probably attracted to all the fake glitter. Their relationship chart again has a passionate Sun Venus square Pluto which will be rattled up by this December’s Solar Eclipse.
Hopefully she will die out like the rest of the fanatics. The age of Aquarius
Thank you, Marjorie.
Plenty of Amerikans are enamoured with her, judging by the $$$ accumulating in her coffers…and purse. Such a sad empty person.