Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, niece of Marine, is more closely allied to the hard-right views of her grandfather Jean-Marie, which has caused an internal split within the French Front National, with some members feeling Marine has moved too much to the centre ground. Marion is evidently more charismatic than her aunt, rarely gets ruffled, is neat on her feet in debates – and holds more extreme anti-gay marriage, anti-immigration, pro-Christian views. Marine has suggested she’s too inflexible to have in her cabinet if she wins which hasn’t gone down well.
Marion was born 10 December 1989 1.05am St Germain en Laye, France has a quick-witted 3rd house Sun Sagittarius and an intense 8th house Moon in Taurus. It’s a see-saw chart with a disruptive 4th house Mercury Uranus Neptune Saturn in Capricorn opposition a lucky Jupiter in the 10th; and Moon opposition Pluto in Scorpio with Pluto in turn conjunct Mars in Scorpio, so definitely a ruthless streak, though also fairly chaotic. With a charming Venus in Capricorn in the performing 5th house. Her Sun is unaspected so she won’t have a clear sense of her identity or how to integrate her Sun into the rest of her chart.
Her grandfather’s Sun Venus are conjunct her MC in her 10th so no surprises he is the inspiration for her political career; with his controlling Pluto Mercury conjunct her 10th house Jupiter. There’s not the same closeness with her aunt, whose Pluto Uranus are conjunct Marion’s Ascendant, making her feel oppressed and tugged around.
Both relationship charts between Marion and Marine and Jean-Marie have composite Sun Pluto conjunctions, so she’s fairly controlled by both of them. Though there’s a better ideological and communication fit with Jean-Marie, with a composite Air Grand Trine, formed into a Kite with a PR-friendly Venus on the composite MC.
There’s a suggestion that she’ll be a force for the future, which with her Jupiter in the 10th could be true in the later stages of her career.
Thanks Marjorie. Worse than I thought.