Maria Sharapova – a tainted talent attempting a comeback


Maria Sharapova, the Russian tennis player, resident in the USA, is returning to the courts after a two year drug ban to some unease amongst the sporting community. She was formerly ranked No 1 and had a long and successful career from 2001, being described by John McEnroe as one of the best the sport has seen; and she is a money-maker for tennis, especially necessary with Serena Williams out for the rest of her pregnancy. But she has done herself no favours by voicing no regrets for her drug taking.

Born 19 April 1987 3am Nyagan, Russia, she’s a pro-active Sun Aries trine a can-be autocratic Uranus Saturn in Sagittarius; with a Yod of Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries inconjunct Pluto in Scorpio. The focal point Pluto will make her power hungry, closed in, having a tendency to coerce others.

At the moment tr Saturn is moving across her Ascendant into her first quadrant for several years ahead, which is generally not overly successful. She has a mentally pressured Solar Arc Mercury opposition her Pluto exact now plus an uncertain Solar Arc Mars opposition Neptune; and an undermining tr Neptune square her Mars/Saturn picking up now and running on and off till late 2018. She’ll be bullishly confident all the same and will have some good moments. But she’s unlikely to return to her previous form. If her birth time is sound she may well call a halt in 2019 with Solar Arc MC conjunct her Saturn.

4 thoughts on “Maria Sharapova – a tainted talent attempting a comeback

  1. Thank you Marjorie! Seems like this might be the start of the twilight of her career. She seemed rather defiant in her post-match press conference today. Defensiveness is understandable but as you’ve mentioned, she has been very unapologetic about the whole thing.

    • Pluto can be unconscious and therefore submissive and vulnerable to manipulation; but at an underlying level it will still indulge in passive-aggressive manipulation as well. The key with Pluto is to be neither controlling over others or allow them to control you – but to find a third way of using Pluto’s influence and transformative powers for good. Easier said than done!

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