Madeleine McCann disappearance may find a grim closure ++ Jacob Wetterling


The tragic story of Madeleine McCann who disappeared from a Portugal holiday villa aged three years old in 2007 has reappeared in the headlines. At the time and for years after conspiracy theories swirled about her parents being responsible. A botched Portuguese police inquiry failed to follow up other leads and eventually fizzled out with a disgraced lead investigator being fired. Now German police say they have a convicted sex offender in prison for drug offences who was in the area at the time and confessed to a friend that he knew what had happened to her. The German authorities are treating it as a suspected murder inquiry.

Madeleine McCann was born 12 May 2003 at 6.14pm (astrotheme) Leicester, England, and is/was a Sun Taurus conjunct a Taurus North Node; with the bleak Saturn in Gemini opposition Pluto of the time in place. The Solar Arc Uranus is moving to square the Pluto on her chart, so perhaps stirring up secrets; with a free-ing tr Uranus square the Jupiter in place come early July. The Solar Arc Mercury is conjunct the North Node exactly now which may be a pointer to why the case has returned to public prominence.

The alleged suspect Christian Bruckner, 7 December 1976, if the birth date is accurate, is an excitable and evasive Sun, Neptune, Mars in Sagittarius trine Saturn in wannabe-important Leo, and sextile Pluto; with an indulgent Jupiter in Taurus trine Venus in Capricorn. Nothing is established as yet except that he was in the location at the time.

Both the parents – Gerry McCann, 5 June 1968 7.45am Glasgow, Scotland, and Kate McCann, 5 March 1968 Liverpool – have been through hell. Neither look cheerful over the next two years. Gerry McCann’s Mars in Gemini square Pluto is being undermined by tr Neptune hard aspects for two years. Kate McCann looks no more cheerful. Though if it is established she died at the hands of a sex offender that will be very hard on them.

A Twitter follower kindly pointed out a similar case which was eventually solved after 27 years. Jacob Wetterling, 17 February 1978, Minnesota, was kidnapped and killed as an 11 year old and his remains only discovered in September 2016 when the perpetrator confessed.

He was a Sun Aquarius opposition Saturn in Leo with a difficult Mars in Cancer square Pluto; and an optimistic Jupiter opposition Neptune.

When his remains were discovered tr Uranus was square his Mars; and his Solar Arc Saturn opposition Sun had moved to sit exactly on top of his North Node.

If there were to be similar aspects on Madeleine’s chart of tr Uranus square Mars, then that would point to spring of 2021, though from this July would also trigger the effect as tr Uranus starts to square her Jupiter which is natally in opposition to her Mars Neptune. On aspects to her North Node – her Solar Arc Neptune and Mars are square now and into 2021 as well.

It may seem odd looking at influences to a chart of someone (perhaps) deceased but for whatever reason the chart lives on and posthumous events do show up.

3 thoughts on “Madeleine McCann disappearance may find a grim closure ++ Jacob Wetterling

  1. Thanks Marjorie. We can only hope the police investigation brings some kind of closure or perhaps “result” is a better word, Madelaine’s parents will never really have “closure”.

    I noticed that transiting Mars and BML in Aries will be conjunct Madelaine’s Aries Venus this summer. Saturn turns direct at 25 Capricorn, square transiting Mars at 25 Aries at the end of September, with BML conjunct Madelaine’s Venus that month as well. I wonder if Saturn’s change of direction might indicate a loosening of the bonds of silence and confusion that have plagued this awful case.

    If Bruckner’s date is right, then his Venus is at 27 Capricorn, with Saturn closing in during the autumn. The lunar eclipse today is conjunct Bruckner’s Sun and Neptune – he could find himself at the centre of a “scandal”, or be confused/delusional enough to reveal what he knows. He is having a Uranus opposition natal Uranus transit as well, which squares onto Madelaine’s Mars at 11 Aquarius, and her Jupiter in Leo – as you write “freeing transiting Uranus square Jupiter”.

  2. Madeleine has an intense Sun, Ceres (themes of abduction and separation), Black Moon conjunction in Taurus which is plugs exactly into the suspect’s Jupiter at 23 degrees of Taurus. Jupiter exaggerates and amplifies and not always for the better. Madeleine’s Venus conjuncts the suspect’s Chiron, and her Pluto conjuncts his Sun. The crossover between the two charts is rather brutal and challenging.

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