MacKenzie Scott, novelist and former wife of Jeff Bezos, has donated more than $4 billion in four months this year. After her divorce she became the world’s 18th-richest person and this year has seen her fortune soar. She said on her blog “This pandemic has been a wrecking ball in the lives of Americans already struggling. Economic losses and health outcomes alike have been worse for women, for people of colour and for people living in poverty. Meanwhile, it has substantially increased the wealth of billionaires.” Her donations were focused on those “operating in communities facing high projected food insecurity, high measures of racial inequity, high local poverty rates, and low access to philanthropic capital.”
She was born 7 April 1970 at 6.20 am San Francisco, and has a 12th house Aries Sun and four Taurus planets just into her 1st house – Mercury, Venus, Moon and Saturn, all conjunct and opposition an optimistic, financially-minded Jupiter in Scorpio; and Mars is also in last decan Taurus. She certainly belies Taurus’s reputation for hanging on to material possessions. Though that may be partly to do with her Neptune in the 8th making her idealistic about money. Her Mars is in a determined trine to Pluto so she’s no pushover.
What’s interesting given Princess Charlene’s chart (below) is that tr Uranus was moving across MacKenzie’s Ascendant as she decided to divorce her husband and set herself on the road to freedom.
She’s in a high-profile, hard-working phase with tr Saturn moving through her upper quadrant for several years ahead.
Thanks Marjorie – always cheering to see someone so jaw droppingly wealthy being philanthropic. Mackenzie Scott ‘s birthday is the same month and year as Melania Trump – 26th April, 1970, so shares some themes. Melania’s Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are all in Taurus. Saturn at 11 is in the path of tr Uranus in 2021, plus tr Saturn and Jupiter square her Taurus stellium, and Jupiter in Scorpio. Obviously, her life is changing now, but I wonder just how much it will change? It’s frustrating we don’t have a birth time for her.
I too see that Neptune in the first degree of Sag as both freeing her from the money and philanthropic giving on an expanded scale, especially in opposition to Mars in Taurus on the cusps of the 8th and 2nd respectively.
And Scorpio Jupiter in the 7th, vast amounts of others money through divorce, trining the salvational Pisces North Node in the humanitarian concerns of the 11th.
Not only the north node is the only humanitarian concern. The ruler of her sun in aries is also neptune ! When neptune is the ruler of the sun in aries, the actions of aries are selfless and directed to humanitarian goals
No, its not the only significator, rule of three and all that.
The ruler of her twelth house is Neptune, but the ruler of her Sun in Aires, is Mars in Taurus taking us back to that opposition to Neptune in the 2nd/8th. That twelth house sun also expresses her privacy needs and donating philanthropically from the shadows.
I was looking at her chart the other day and she seems like a classic case of avoiding Sun Sign astrology!
I think her 12H Aries Sun plays a big part in this story. Good for her recognising that she can afford to give away $4bn.
She’s another person with notable oppositions – 6 planets across Taurus-Scorpio. Someone once said when you have a person with oppositions they live one end of it, and find people to project the other end into. If you choose to pick up one end, you can force them to grab the other. My guess is that Jeff was picking up the Taurus end (especially as being male he represents the saturn principle) so she was taking hold of the Jupiter in Scorpio 7H relating end.
Generally speaking, transiting Uranus is freeing many of the Saturn in Taurus generation who doubled down with Pluto in Virgo and therefore lived the Yuppie dream out of fear.