Congresswoman Liz Cheney, the third most senior Republican in the House, is standing by her vote to impeach Trump. And she has further suggested he be criminally investigated for provoking violence during the 6 January Capitol invasion, specifically for one tweet suggesting an attack on Mike Pence. Last week she survived an attempt to remove her from her leadership position and is defiant in the face of a vote of censure from her Wyoming Republican Party.
She argues that the GOP will have lost its way if it doesn’t reject Trump’s brand of politics. She was one of just 10 House Republicans who joined Democrats in impeaching Trump for the charge of incitement of insurrection.
Born 28 July 1966 in Washington, the daughter of George W Bush’s VP Dick Cheney, she practised international law, while immersing herself in state department roles. She’s reckoned a conservative and hawk on foreign policy.
She has a Sun Mercury in Leo in a sensible trine to Saturn in late Pisces; with a passionately enthusiastic and pro-active Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Cancer trine Neptune, sextile Uranus Pluto in Virgo. A workaholic who’s willing to take risks. She’s very unlike her father – a Sun Aquarius opposition Pluto square Saturn Jupiter in Taurus – who is stubborn to the nth degree, a control freak and materialistic.
She looks determinedly upbeat through this year and next with tr Pluto opposition her Sun/Jupiter midpoint. Though she’ll run into a few disasters from June/July onwards which will shake her self-assurance – these influences will be around on and off into early 2023. She doesn’t look on top form in 2024 with tr Neptune conjunct her Saturn. Though will bounce back to a resounding success and confidence surge around 2027/2028.
Liz was not born in Washington DC or State.
“She’s very unlike her father – a Sun Aquarius opposition Pluto square Saturn Jupiter in Taurus – who is stubborn to the nth degree, a control freak and materialistic.”
I would add that Dick Cheney is vengeful, this given how his Fixed T-square’s empty angle is in Scorpio. Even without looking at Cheney’s chart, my immediate thought after Matt Gaetz had the audacity to hold a rally against Liz Cheney in Wyoming was that this will irritate Dick Cheney, and that can’t be good.
After looking at their synastry, I noticed Dick Cheney’s T-square Pluto is on his daughter’s Sun/Mercury. I interpret that as his influence looming over her life, but her being able to tap on that energy rather than be crushed. Also, Gaetz’s Jupiter in on T-Square’s empty corner (he is also a Sun Taurus, but I’d say Sun is slightly off from T-Square to really be affected. Reckless Jupiter excess irritating Saturn/Jupiter’s deliberation probably stands as the best explanation here.
Sometimes people have to stand by their principals, make her Leader of the Republicans, so many have been corrupted by the last administration.
What an honest looking woman… no plastic surgery, fakery, just a genuine smile. Wish we knew the birth time, but even having a Sag moon gives a natural feeling for law. I think those 5 planets all within 30 ish degrees of one another (8 Cancer to 5 Leo) are all very significant and the node falls between Mars/Jupiter….strongly felt convictions, protective, fair minded……five water planets and 3 fire suggests an idealistic and conventional approach. She has no air – so spouts not, as politicians tend to do. My guess is that 99% of people would buy a used car from her, she looks completely at one with the life she is actually living. Highly unusual in any culture….definitely someone to watch.
One of my best friends is born a few days later – he’s the Aqua moon version of the chart (so he has some air).
One of the loveliest people I know. Very generous (Leo) and thoughtful. His biggest fault is he does too much for others, doesn’t do enough for himself (Cancer). Was always crappy at office politics just wanted to get the job done well and never got the promotions he deserved. Really genuine and straightforward and easy to be around.
@Maggy Cassin, probably got this from her mom, given how charmless her father was when he was active in politics. Lynne Cheney is also a Leo Sun. While Conservative she was, as her husband, for gay marriage even when acting as Second Lady. This should maybe not be interpreted as a sign of intellectual openness, but at least of general, experience based compassion I think many “old school” Conservatives were and are capable of. Liz Cheney, in contrast, was for constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage as late as in 2013, when the argument already started to be settled in minds of many Conservatives, too, more heated discussion being shifted to trans people rights.