The shooting of a white stag running loose in a suburb of Liverpool by police against the advice of the RSPCA has brought a chorus of criticism. There are portents of doom as well from the old myths about ill luck following such a killing. The Celts considered white stags to be messengers from the “other world” and their appearance was said to herald some profound change in the lives of those who encountered them. Their unnatural white colour has led to them being considered supernatural in various cultures.
I’m not overly superstitious (most of the time) but sometimes symbolic events do precede periods of significant change and/or crisis. I remember thinking years back that a flock of the Queen’s swans flying into a low stone bridge and killing themselves wasn’t a good omen – and the annis horribilis with divorces and Windsor Castle fire happened not that long afterwards. Not immediately but certainly within a year or two.
There are two Liverpool charts – the Royal charter founding on 28 August 1207 JC and the City status 11 May 1880.
The one oddity which pops up is that both these charts have their Solar Arc North Node at 23 degrees Taurus now which given that their Nodes start from different positions is marginally coincidental.
The 1880 chart is certainly gearing up for a period of significant turmoil and change around 2023/24 with tr Uranus conjunct the Sun and Pluto. Though it’s building up a head of steam or a downward slide from now with tr Uranus conjunct the Neptune in Taurus.
The 1207 chart also points to disruptions in 2024 with tr Uranus square Uranus – and more significantly is heading for a Neptune Return by 2026.
This is a wait-and-see one.
You can go crazy finding portents in the most benign of situations, and I think some Jungians go that way…
….but other times, there really are manifestations or warnings.
My grandmother escaped the Gestapo many times on a hunch. One night she put the children to bed, and wrapped as usual, a glass bottle in rags, with hot water inside. it was wartime and there were no rubber hotwater bottles to be had.
Anyway, the glass broke and the bed was filled with water, glass shards and she said: RIGHT we’re going NOW.
So they left that night. At 3-4am the Gestapo were at the door.
Used to get cold chills when she told her stories. She was Gemini, with Mars in the 12 house, perfect for being in the French Resistance. All of the female side of my family get premonitions or hunches, and I’ve certainly had what’s known as psychic experiences, but I don’t seek them out.
sorry she was Taurus Sun, Gemini rising. Libra moon.
Thank you for responding to this Marjorie.
Is this one of those events that the outcome was already determined? The story had already been written and the players were already in their position.
No matter was going on, this was going to go the way it did.
The white buck was a symbol of Artemis. How evil are men to show such little respect for her creatures in order to pretend they are powerful.
In New Zealand Maori culture, to see fantails is a sign of someone passing away. One actually looked directly at me, and a very significant to the world music drummer died within three days…Twice I have seen fantails and people have passed within a few days. I do take more notice of them now.
Native Americans herald the arrival of white Bison. It is pretty much sacred to all nature lovers. They are partly domesticated and most tribes have bison. If a white bison was born in a National Park, the rangers would likely keep an eye on it. In The Queen movie her vehicle is stuck and she has an eye to eye encounter with a stag, which is mystical experience for her.
superstition or not, I am horrified to learn police chose to kill such a beautiful animal. Were there no other options, such as using tranquilizer darts ?
The human instinct is still to kill…
Is it just Liverpool or is there a relationship to England or UK as a whole astrologically?
I found that 3 stags heads are on the Bootle crest and their motto is ‘ RESPICE ASPICE PROSPICE’ – Reflect on the past, consider the present, provide for the future –
I remember something similar occurred in 2007 in Devon and Cornwall, a beautiful white stag was shot and dismembered by poachers, left hanging from a tree, its head removed for trophy mounting. A cruel and despicable act to destroy such a beautiful, noble animal. There is something deeply mythic about these distinctive white creatures which resonates with humans. There is a royal connection with Richard II using a white hart as his heraldic emblem (Rich Hart) whose reign included the Peasant’s Revolt of 1381 and who was eventually overthrown and imprisoned.
There’s also the legend of Herne the Hunter, in Windsor Great Park, that dates from the time of Richard II. He has stag’s horns (like Cernunnos) and is said to appear when the Royal Family are in crisis or to portend a death in the family. The tale seems to be intertwined with the legends of the Wild Hunt, and all the horned gods of nature in European folklore and myth.
I’m not particularly superstitious, but absolutely agree with Marjorie that sometimes strange symbolic events do crop up before important changes and crises. Perhaps that’s synchronicity? This sad and horrible event doesn’t bode well on any level.
As a young person I used to have a bit of a thing for the TV drama, ‘Robin of Sherwood’ Jane, of course the presence of Michael Praed might have has something to do with it but also the magnificent figure of Herne the Hunter and his appearance as guide, god and dweller of the forest and how that figure inspired in me a sense of awe and connection to something far more ancient.
The most recent depiction of the Horned deity in popular culture I’ve seen is in the horror series, ‘Hannibal’ with the character of Hannibal Lecter appearing in dream/fantasy sequences as a menacing, dark Cernunnos.
Oh, yes I enjoyed that drama too! There’s something shamanic about Herne the Hunter, and all other representations of horned figures – I suspect our collective folk memories may be closer to the surface than we like to imagine.
They still perform the Abbots Bromley Horn Dance every year – the dancers wear antlers. These are mostly reindeer antlers, carbon dated to the 11th century. Astrologically I tend to think about Saturn’s affinity for history, and ancient connection with agriculture, and the wild side of the Saturnalia celebrations in December. The Horn Dance is thought to be connected with the Winter Solstice and January period, although it is now performed in September.
Tx Marjorie, I see deputy chief constable Ian Critchley is supporting his officers decision, but Killing a white stag carries a harsh warning across many cultures, and is said to bring terrible luck to whoever slays it. Perhaps it another 1970,s indicator when unemployment and poverty resulted in social problems and riots in the good city of Liverpool
Yes I think you could be right. These are very disruptive times, when even the basic necessities can be difficult to obtain. Uranus in Taurus yet to play out fully. IMO. Taurus is earth and we’re having sudden earthquakes. Where I live in Australia we had a 5.9 earthquake and more to come. OK, but Australia is geologically meant to be very stable.
Fascinating! Never underestimate the supernatural.
Another ill omen was the famous picture of Trump early in his term being attacked by a bald eagle, the symbol of the US. There is also the film where Helen Mirren played Queen Elizabeth (I forget the title) and she had a vision of a royal stag being killed which appeared to mean the end of the monarchy, but that was fictional.
Well it was a close call. Tony Blair of all people came to the rescue on that with his call to the Queen giving her an ultimatum to come down to London and make herself and the Royals demonstrate their grief, to be seen to do it.
Otherwise it would have probably collapsed.
Meanwhile Charles is preparing to rid the monarchy of waste of spaces like Prince Andrew. And that’s putting it politely.
Rupert Murdoch hates the monarchy and was baying via his media outlets, for blood.
A very interesting dynamic indeed.
Interesting! As for superstition, like you I am unsure. My birthday is 11th September, and for a few years before 9/11 odd things happened on the day – elderly mother breaking her hip, daughter’s school bus breaking down and children getting lost walking home, favourite pet suddenly deceased on arrival home, and a few more! It became a family joke in the end and stopped with the attack in the US. My birthdays have been uneventful ever since.