Leo Varadkar – new Irish PM with a handful of firsts


Much is being made of Leo Varadkar about to become the youngest ever Prime Minister of Ireland after he was voted leader of the country’s main governing centre-right party. He is son of an Indian immigrant doctor and came out as gay in 2015. One commentator said: ’ He has come to personify the liberalisation of a country which was once regarded as one of Europe’s most socially conservative nations – homosexuality was illegal until 1993.’

Born 18 January 1979, with a doctor father and an Irish nurse mother, he took a medical training, became a General Practitioner and went into politics in his mid-twenties.

He’s an ambitious Sun Mars in Capricorn in a determined square to Pluto; with a hard-working Saturn and Moon in Virgo. It won’t all be easy ahead for him with tr Uranus square his Sun Mars into 2018, and tr Neptune opposition his Saturn now until late 2018.

And for all the talk of a liberal Ireland, neither the 1922 nor the 1949 Ireland charts look entirely enamoured.

One thought on “Leo Varadkar – new Irish PM with a handful of firsts

  1. According to what I’m reading about Leo Varadkar, he’s a neoliberal, pro-austerity conservative who is also anti-choice.

    The progressives in Ireland don’t see him as a friend, althought they do celebrate that a gay man of colour can become leader.

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