Laurel Hubbard’s acceptance as the first openly transgender athlete to compete at the Olympics has raised considerable controversy. The 43 year old took part in men’s competition before transitioning in 2013. Suppressing testosterone, required for Olympic competition does not remove the advantages of physical development from having undergone puberty as a male – bigger heart, bigger lungs, more muscle mass.
She was born 9 February 1978 in Auckland, New Zealand and extraordinarily has no earth in her chart. Her Aquarius Sun Venus are in a wide Air Grand Trine to Jupiter and Pluto, formed into a Kite by Saturn Venus opposition Saturn in Leo. She also has a high-octane Mars in Cancer on the focal point of a Yod to Sun Venus sextile Neptune so was always destined to walk a singular path on life.
She is looking frustrated and angry in the run up to the late July Olympics with tr Pluto opposition her focal point Mars from late June into August and repeating in December; and setbacks from her Mars/Saturn midpoint and Neptune undermining her Saturn/Pluto as well.
A tricky year all round into early 2022.
I am sure that astrology reflects this individually at the time of going through puberty. Because it is obviously a tough time. And way too many girls and women are actively encouraged to hate themselves by the fashion industry which doesn’t help. Wouldn’t it be nice if we encouraged everyone to be happy in their own skins, instead of always thinking that the grass is greener on the other side.
No one supports it really do they? It is pretty much a minority who do.
I don’t get personalise about Laurel whom I quite like, but females fought hard for their sports especially the non traditional female eg weigh lifting. I think this sport should be left to women with the same physical advantages on an even playing field.
Thanks Marjorie. It’s interesting to look at the astrology for Renee Richards, 19 August 1934. She was a successful but very controversial transgender professional tennis player in the 1970’s. She was also an ophthalmologist.
Richards has a 25 degree Sun in Leo opposing Saturn in Aquarius – a reverse of Hubbard’s Sun/Saturn aspect. Her Mars at 22 Cancer is conjunct Pluto at 24 – close to Hubbard’s own natal Mars. Richards also has Venus in Leo conjunct BML square Uranus in Taurus – an unusual woman symbolised there perhaps? Both Richards and Hubbard have a Pisces Moon.
Regarding a transgender female athlete’s advantages in strength, Richards has said:
“Having lived for the past 30 years, I know if I’d had surgery at the age of 22, and then at 24 went on the tour, no genetic woman in the world would have been able to come close to me. And so I’ve reconsidered my opinion.”
I am glad that I am not the only one to think these things. I somehow feel that things have got way out of hand especially where children are concerned. New Zealand isn’t the only country that has gone overboard on these things. The UK has as well. What is wrong with waiting till you are an adult to make these decisions?
I’m sorry, it’s completely wrong for a transgender athlete to compete against women. We all know who would win and it’s about time this madness was brought to an end.
Having male bodies in female prisons is also part of this delusion. Women’s shelters too.
The rallying cry is that their existence is not up for debate. Most of us are merely hoping for dialectic. What is trans? The definition is fluid with no consensus. Why is the definition of woman, as an adult human female, problematic?
Any call for clarification is branded intolerant.
Hopefully Bell v Tavistock and the Maya Forstater case, will impact beyond the UK and into the commonwealth countries like Canada and NZ who have fallen down this rabbit hole. Allowing these important conversations to begin.
In April a British Columbia father, Rob Hoogland, was sentenced to jail for his unwillingness to accept the fast track sex change of his thirteen year old daughter, despite a plea bargain. His jail sentence was primarily for his leak to the media, to an outfit called mass resistance.
He initially found out when he looked at his daughters grade 7 yearbook to see that she had adopted a new name. The school was not obliged to inform the parents of the affirmation of the transformation.
And the rapes there of already traumatised women.
And incredibly, 36,000 American girls on waiting lists for double masectomies.
Neptune on steroids.
As a New Zealander this is just plain embarrassing.
Perhaps now that Neptune is now retrograde, there will be a stripping away of illusions, dreams and false realities.
What ” a brave new world” …..