Lady Gaga, the super-successful American pop star with 42 million Twitter followers, has admitted she has been suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) since being raped at the age of 19. She first spoke publicly about the rape two years ago and has admitted she blamed herself and did not tell anyone about it for seven years.
Born 28 March 1986 10.55pm New York, she has a 4th house Aries Sun square a showbizzy Neptune Mars in her 2nd house of money, trine Saturn on her Sagittarius Ascendant and inconjunct Pluto – so she’ll be emotionally self-protective and private, as well as creative, impulsive and assertive. She has Venus in upfront Aries in her performing 5th in an innovative trine to Uranus; plus a communicative Jupiter in the 3rd trine Pluto, sextiling onto Mars Neptune so confident about getting her views across. And a hidden 12th house Scorpio Moon, perhaps a reflection of her mother, who she said worked 8 till 8 most of the time.
At the moment tr Saturn is moving through her 1st house below her Ascendant so she’ll want a quieter life for a few years ahead. Her Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct her Sun in 2016 which will boost her confidence; and she is also just through her Saturn Return, so no doubt spending time thinking about how she wants to live in the time ahead.
When she was 19 tr Pluto was conjunct her Uranus turning her life on its head; with a bleak tr Saturn square her Pluto; and tr Uranus square her Saturn and trine her Pluto – so shifting her onto a different track.