Lady Gaga and Bradley – feeling and faking



Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper set celeb fans’ tongues wagging with their sexual chemistry at the Oscars, performing Shallow which won the Best Song. According to the Daily Mail, their loved-up act continued at an after-show party with his girlfriend sitting close by looking unimpressed.  Lady Gaga has recently split from her fiancée.

His ex-Jennifer Esposito has in the past obliquely referred to him as a ‘master manipulator’ which with Pluto in his 10th sounds spot on.  His Pluto opposes Lady Gaga’s Aries Sun so he will be tempted to control her; and his Jupiter is trine her Scorpio Moon and Pluto so he will boost her morale.

But on the whole it’s not a good relationship.  His Saturn falls in her 8th square her Sun which will put a damper on intimacy and good feelings – fine for a business connection but not for a romantic one.

Their relationship chart has two positives – composite Sun trine Pluto and composite Jupiter Venus trine Moon. But otherwise it’s all negative, with a needs-space Sun square Uranus, a stressed Sun inconjunct Saturn; and a showbizzy Sun trine Pluto, sextile a Mars Neptune conjunction – good for publicity but not mutually supportive.

His girlfriend Irina Shayk, 6 January 1986, is, like him, a Sun Venus in Capricorn which will help bond them. There is a passionate composite Sun Venus square Pluto which will also add a frisson of intensity, though it’s not without its problems at the moment and will be under some pressures over the next two years.

All a manufactured moment of bliss for the cameras which would help in personal and film publicity.   Never believe the red carpet cameos.





One thought on “Lady Gaga and Bradley – feeling and faking

  1. I never forgot what you wrote about Cooper’s personality in a prev post. I look at him differently now. It made a lot of sense to me.

    I like Gaga, she’s talented – but she’s a fake. Tries way too hard.

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