George Pell, Vatican CFO, guilty of abuse – a Kraft astro-twin



Cardinal George Pell, the Vatican treasurer and the Church’s third most powerful official, has been found guilty of sexual offences in Australia. He abused two choir boys in the rooms of a Melbourne cathedral in 1996, a jury found; he pled not guilty. He will face sentencing hearings this week and has lodged an appeal.

He was born three days after billionaire Robert Kraft caught in a Florida prostitution bust (see post below 23 February) on 8 June 1941 and has the same Gemini Sun square Mars in Pisces in his case with Mars opposition Neptune, forming an ego-centric and scattered T Square.

Pell’s Sun is on the same degree as the Vatican’s Gemini Sun so he’s a good fit; with the Vatican’s indulgent Jupiter in Taurus conjunct his Uranus.

Tr Neptune is in a panicky-failure conjunction to his Mars exactly now, moving on to an undermining square to his and the Vatican Gemini Sun in March and again into January 2020.

Pope Francis’s Saturn in Pisces is exactly square Pell and the Vatican’s Sun so he will be critical but apparently incapable of making a credible dent in the abusive-priest problem.

See post on Pope Francis February 7 2019

Odd how similar charts always seem to turn up together.

3 thoughts on “George Pell, Vatican CFO, guilty of abuse – a Kraft astro-twin

  1. I was hoping to read something more positive about this Cardinal. Being a Roman Catholic, a former RC nun and a member of the church choirs etc. I know how difficult it is to get within 3m of a Cardinal, especially if one didn’t have a special appointment. As it is, for years now, I still haven’t managed to shake hand with one successfully yet (the crowd around any Cardinal is always incredible, especially since many RC only come to Church these days on big occasion at cathedrals). Many times we (the other sisters (nun) and I only managed to see his car driving off (Cardinals always have lots of people surrounding them, all the times).

    I am 100% sure and certain that he has been accused unfairly. I was wondering if you could tell us a bit more if the movement of plantets/stars currently have some input over this court case, when the word of some unfavourable character was believed over a man who has sacrified a lot for his faith.

    You said you were a journalist, I am a scientist with a masters degree in science. I was a victim of the Australian court for two years (recently), so I no longer trust that court any more.

    I do hope the truth will be out, sooner than later,

    Regards, from Melbourne Astralia

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